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单词 narc
释义  Related topics: Police, Drug culturenarc1 /nɑːk $ nɑːrk/ noun [countable] American English informal  SCPMDDa police officer who deals with the problem of illegal drugs 缉毒警察Examples from the Corpusnarc• About half way into it, narcs start busting people.narc2 verb [intransitive + on] American English informal  to secretly tell the police about someone else’s criminal activities, especially activities involving illegal drugs 告密〔尤指向警方透露有关贩毒的情报〕Origin narc1 (1900-2000) narcotic agent narc2 (1800-1900) Romany nak “nose”narc1 nounnarc2 verbChinese  a problem Corpus officer deals with police the who




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