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单词 nail
释义  Related topics: Technology, Daily life, Humanldoce_229_dnail1 /neɪl/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  TDa thin pointed piece of metal with a flat top, which you hit into a surface with a hammer, for example to join things together or to hang something on 钉子 The key was hanging on a nail by the door. 钥匙挂在门边的一颗钉子上。hammer/bang/hit a nail into something She hammered a nail into the wall. 她往墙上敲进一颗钉子。 →5  See picture of nail clippers 指甲刀[钳], manicure kit 美甲用具, nail file 指甲锉 ... →4  See picture of 见图 nail →5 see picture at 见图 screw12  HBHyour nails are the hard smooth layers on the ends of your fingers and toes 指甲;趾甲 I’ve broken my nail. 我弄断了指甲。 Stop biting your nails! 别咬指甲! She sat painting her nails (=putting a coloured substance on them). 她坐着涂指甲油。 He still had dirt under his nails. 他的指甲里还有脏东西。 → fingernail, toenail3  nail in somebody’s/something’s coffin DESTROYone of several bad things which help to destroy someone’s success or hopes 导致某人/某事物失败的因素 Observers fear that this strike will be another nail in the coffin of the industry. 观察家担心这次罢工将是对该行业的又一次致命打击。 the final nail in his coffin 他的催命符4. as hard/tough as nails very tough and not easily frightened, or not caring about the effects of your actions on other people 铁石心肠的,冷酷无情的;非常坚强的5  on the nail a) British EnglishPAY FOR if you pay money on the nail, you pay it immediately 当即,当场〔付款〕 b) especially American EnglishCORRECT completely correct 准确地 They got it absolutely on the nail. 他们完全正确。 → hit the nail on the head at hit1(26)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: your nails are the hard smooth layers on the ends of your fingers and toesadjectiveslongHer long nails were painted a pearly pink.shortHer nails were short and uneven.dirtyHow did you get such dirty nails?cleanHis nails were neat and clean.finger nail (also fingernail)She had small hands with polished finger nails.toe nail (also toenail)His toenails were long and dirty.verbscut your nailsYou should cut your nails more often!trim your nails (=cut a small amount off)His nails were neatly trimmed.file your nailsA girl was filing her nails on the bus.bite your nailsEddie bit his nails nervously.paint/polish/varnish your nails (=to put coloured liquid on your nails)Don't paint short nails in dark colours.manicure your nails (=to make your nails look attractive by cutting them and making the skin around them neat)She had manicured nails and expensive your nails informal (=to cut or paint your nails)She sat at her desk, doing her nails.break a nail (=to accidentally damage a nail on one of your fingers)Oh, no, I've broken a nail.Examples from the Corpusnail• His Dad kept it hanging on a nail in the shed and he'd have noticed right away if it was missing.• Nurse Duckett sat buffing her nails.• She came again, her body wracked with spasms, her nails tearing into his arms.• The deeply incised DE/ED made with a red-hot nail was visible for anyone to see.• I took something from the land and buildings, pieces of bottles and some nails.• Always use a base coat to even out the nail surface and to prevent dark polishes staining.• There will be skin and blood under the nails.• Police Minister Avigdor Kahalani said the explosives were pipe bombs packed with nails.broken ... nail• Every person born female eventually experiences the annoyance of a broken nail, the peculiar agony of a bad haircut.• She began to pick a broken nail on her left foot.• Her erratic gaze paused briefly on the broken nail she was picking with her other hand.• The moulded plastic capping prevents the broken nails which occur when changing belts on some sanders.Related topics: Technology, Policenail2 verb [transitive]  1  [always + adverb/preposition]TATTACH to fasten something to something else with nails 钉,将…钉牢nail something to something A sign saying ‘No Fishing’ had been nailed to the tree. 树上钉着一块写有“禁止钓鱼”的牌子。nail something down The lid was firmly nailed down. 盖子被钉得牢牢的。nail something up (=permanently close a window or door by fixing something across it using nails) 〔用钉子〕封死〔门或窗〕 The windows had been nailed up. 窗户被封死了。2  informalSCPCATCH to catch someone and prove that they are guilty of a crime or something bad 抓住,逮住 It took us 10 years to nail the guy who killed our daughter. 我们花了十年时间,终于将杀害我们女儿的那个家伙绳之以法。nail somebody for something The state police finally nailed him for fraud. 州警方最终以诈骗罪逮捕了他。3  informal if you nail something, you succeed in getting it, after a lot of time or effort 〔花费很多时间或精力而〕得到 She finally nailed her dream job. 她终于找到了理想的工作。n4  informal to do something perfectly, especially when singing or performing I thought that song might be too big for you, but you absolutely nailed it!5. nail a lie/myth British English informalLIE/TELL A LIE to prove that what someone has said is completely untrue 揭穿谎言6. nail your colours to the mast British English to say clearly and publicly which ideas or which people you support 明确表态7. nail somebody to the wall/cross especially American English to punish someone severely 严惩某人8 nail somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb informal a) DECIDEto reach a final and definite agreement or decision about something 最终确定,对…作出定论 Two days isn’t enough time to nail down the details of an agreement. 要把协议的所有细节都确定下来,两天的时间是不够的。b) TELL/ORDER somebody TO DO something nail somebody down to force someone to say clearly what they want or what they intend to do 迫使某人表明意图nail somebody down to Before they repair the car, nail them down to a price. 修车前先让他们把价钱讲明白。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusnail• Boitano nailed a superb triple axel jump.• For their sins, they were both nailed and all but crucified on the reef.• I got a hammer and nailed down the floorboards.• Myers was nailed for selling marijuana.• The windows had been nailed shut.• Landry said his radar gun had nailed Soares going 82 m. p. h. on I-93.• Police use radar to nail speeding drivers.• We watched as Dad nailed the fence panels together.• Someone nailed the kitchen cabinets shut.• So how did we nail the opportunist without resorting to high-level warfare?• She nails the quips and finds extra laughs between the lines.• The desks in all the classrooms were nailed to the floor.• These need to be screwed or nailed to the floorboards below.• A large American flag is nailed to the wall above the bed.• The door to the servants' quarters in the attics had been nailed up.nail something to something• A letter of protest had been nailed to the post.nail somebody for something• Williams was nailed for burglary.From Longman Business Dictionarynailnail1 /neɪl/ verb [transitive] informal to catch someone and prove that they are guilty of a crime or of doing something badThe government spent vast resources in an unsuccessful effort to nail him on felony charges. → nail down→ See Verb tablenailnail2 noun on the nail British English informal if you pay for something on the nail, you pay for it immediatelyNot paying on the nail could be extremely expensive.Origin nail1 Old English næglnail1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1nail2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  of a with Business thin pointed Corpus metal piece




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