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单词 multiculturalism
释义  Related topics: Race relationsmul·ti·cul·tu·ral·is·m /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəlɪzəm/ noun [uncountable]  SSRthe belief that it is important and good to include people or ideas from many different countries, races, or religions 多元文化论 —multiculturalist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusmulticulturalism• It is really, he believes, an indoctrination about multiculturalism.• It all came to light when I travelled from Bradford to London to take part in a television programme about multiculturalism.• The Rush die scandal has exposed the weaknesses of any benign multiculturalism premised on the assumption of easy harmony and pluralism.• If they stopped to think about it, they were living examples of the synergy of multiculturalism.• The services focus on multiculturalism and social justice.• Perhaps multiculturalism, in its achieved form, was a polyphony of just such well-trained voices.• This multiculturalism evacuates ethnic difference, transforming it into taste or style.mul·ti·cul·tu·ral·is·m nounChineseSyllable  that include the Corpus good it and belief is to important




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