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单词 much
释义  much1 /mʌtʃ/ ●●● S1 W1 adverb  1  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTby a great amount 非常,很;大量much better/greater/easier etc Henry’s room is much bigger than mine. 亨利的房间比我的大得多。 These shoes are much more comfortable. 这双鞋子要舒服得多。 I’m feeling very much better, thank you. 我感觉好多了,谢谢。much too big/old etc He was driving much too fast. 他开得太快了。much the best/most interesting etc British English It’s much the best way to do it. 这是做此事最好的方式。5 GRAMMAR 语法• The adverb much is mainly used before comparative adjectives. 副词much主要用于形容词比较级之前He’s much older than she is.他比她年长许多。• Much can also be used before ‘different’ in negative sentences and questions. 否定句和疑问句中much还可用于different之前She doesn’t look much different.她看上去没多大变化。n USAGE: Much• The adverb much is mainly used before comparative adjectives or adjectives with 'too': He’s much older than she is. 他比她年长许多。The soup was much too salty.• It is not usually used before other adjectives, but much can be used before different, especially in negatives and questions: It's not much different from when I was young. 2  a) used to ask or talk about the degree of a difference 〔询问或谈论区别的程度〕how much older/smaller etc She kept weighing herself to see how much heavier she was getting. 她老是称体重看自己重了多少。 b) used to ask or talk about how big an additional amount of something is 〔询问或谈论某事物增加的数量〕how much more/longer/further How much longer do we have to wait? 我们还得等多久? How much further is it? 还有多远? c) used to emphasize the difference you are mentioning 〔用于强调差异〕how much better/nicer/easier etc I was surprised to see how much better she was looking. 看到她变得漂亮多了我很惊讶。 How much better life would be if we returned to the values of the past! 如果我们重拾过去的价值观,生活会有多好呀!3  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTused to talk about a strong feeling or something that is done often 〔用于谈论强烈的感情或经常做的事〕how/however much You know how much I care about you. 你知道我是多么在乎你。 I think you have to accept the pain, however much it hurts. 我想你必须得承受这份痛苦,无论这伤痛有多大。 He talks too much. 他话太多了。 We’re looking forward to your visit so much. 我们热切盼望着您的到来。 Thank you very much! 非常感谢!much loved/admired/discussed etc The money will buy much needed books for the school. 这笔钱将用于购买学校急需的书籍。4  not ... much a) LITTLE/NOT MUCHonly a little or hardly at all 只一点点,不多;不怎么样 ‘Did you enjoy it?’ ‘No, not much.’ “你喜欢它吗?”“不怎么喜欢。” She isn’t much younger than me. 她不比我小多少。 Tony hasn’t changed much in the last ten years. 托尼过去十年没怎么变。 b) LITTLE/NOT VERYused to say that something does not often happen 不经常,很少 We don’t go to the theatre much anymore. 我们不再经常去看戏了。 Kids don’t play outside as much as they used to. 孩子们不像以前那样经常在外边玩耍了。 → little3(2)5  much like something/much as  (also much the same (as something))LIKE/SIMILAR used to say that something is very similar to something else 很像某事物,和某事物几乎一样 The house was very much as I’d remembered it. 那房子和我记忆中的几乎完全一样。 The taste is much like butter. 这味道很像黄油。 Plants are classified in much the same way as animals. 植物分类的方式和动物的分类方法差不多。6  much to somebody’s surprise/embarrassment etc formalVERY used to say that someone feels very surprised, embarrassed etc when something happens 令某人大为吃惊/非常尴尬等的是 Much to my relief, the conversation turned to another topic. 谈话内容转到其他话题上去了,让我大大松了口气。7  much less AND/ALSOused to say that a greater thing is even less true, likely, or possible than the thing you have just mentioned 更不用说,更何况 The shelves were lined with books which neither Hugo nor Sally would ever open, much less read. 书架上放满了雨果和萨莉都不会去打开、更不用说去读的书。8  much as TRUEalthough 虽然 Much as I like Bob, I wouldn’t want to live with him. 虽然我喜欢鲍勃,但我不会想和他生活在一起。9  not so much ... as ... MORE THAN something OR somebody ELSEused to say that one description of someone or something is less suitable or correct than another 与其说是…不如说是… She was not so much nervous as impatient for the journey to be over. 说她紧张,不如说她是不耐烦,希望旅途快点结束。 → so much the better at better3(4)Examples from the Corpusmuch• "Did you enjoy the show?" "Not much."• Has he changed much?• I haven't thought much about it.• Do you talk to Leslie much anymore?• She's feeling much better now.• You get a much better view if you stand on a chair.• It was much easier doing the letter on the computer.• When the headlights flashed, it barely blinked, much less moved.• What sticks in the brain, and occasionally the heart, is something much less tangible.• Mrs. Clausen was much loved and will be sadly missed.• These shoes are much more comfortable.• His family is much more important to him than his career.• Wayne looked much older than the last time I saw him.• We should pay more attention to those millions of elderly pensioners than to the much smaller number of millionaires.• The test was much too difficult for most of the students.• You're working much too hard, and you're letting the boss take advantage of you.• The damage done can be much worse than from a fire - while the chances of it happening are much higher.much better/greater/easier etc• If a claim is lost in court, the pain, loss and damage suffered by the haulier is obviously much greater.• To that extent, the workplace will be much better.• He was getting better every day, so much better, and yet business got worse and worse.• But things were much better now.• This rate of turnover is much greater than for other areas of the vocabulary of a language. 3.• This system allows me to communicate much better than I could before.• He has summed up the issue much better than I could.• The beautiful lion fish belongs to this gaudy category and is therefore much easier to much older/smaller etc• Older than Aunt Margaret, that was certain - far older, but how much older?• It never ceased to amaze her how much smaller everything seemed to her now adult eyes.• Rachel hadn't seen Irene Markham for five years but she was shocked by how much older she much• It comes as a bit of a shock to see how much faster others can sail upwind.• The best solution is for a pamphleteer to show people how much fun it is to do good.• It has not disclosed how much it thought these brands were worth.• I realize how much of her strength came from those evenings alone in that ancient book.• Even Alfred appreciated how much she helped.• The output was a bar graph to show how much the new input resembled each of the ten people.• He also wants to restrict how much time inmates can shave off their sentences for good behavior or working in prison.much2 ●●● S1 W1 determiner, pronoun  1  LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTa large amount of something 很多(的),大量(的) I don’t have much money with me. 我身上没带很多钱。 Was there much traffic? 来往车辆多吗? He didn’t say much about his trip. 关于他的旅行他说得不多。 Do you get much chance to travel in your job? 你的工作有很多出差机会吗? After much consideration we have finally arrived at a decision. 经过深思熟虑,我们最终作出了决定。much of Much of the city was destroyed in the attack. 城市的大部分区域都在这次袭击中遭到了破坏。(far/rather/a little) too much There was too much work for one person. 一个人干,工作量太大了。 It would cost far too much to have the thing repaired. 这东西修起来太费钱了。 It was such a small thing to have caused so much trouble. 这么点的小事却造成了这么大的麻烦。5 GRAMMAR 语法• Much is used before uncountable nouns, mainly in questions and negative sentences, or after too or so . much用于不可数名词之前,主要用于疑问句和否定句,或too、so之后Was there much mess?很混乱吗?I don’t have much time.我没多少时间。 ►Do not use much before plural nouns. Use many or a lot of . 名词复数之前不要用 much,要用 many 或 a lot of:We’ve wasted too much time.我们浪费了太多时间。There are too many advertisements (NOT too much advertisements) on television.电视广告太多了5 REGISTER 语体Much sounds formal in positive statements. In everyday English, people usually say a lot of . 肯定句中用much显得正式。在日常英语中,人们一般说a lot ofThe dress cost a lot of money.这条连衣裙很贵。After a lot of thought I said yes.深思熟虑之后我答应了。2  how much used to ask or talk about the amount or cost of something 多少;多少钱〔用于询问或谈论某物的数量或价格〕 How much is that dress? 那条裙子要多少钱? How much flour should I use in the sauce? 调味汁中我要用多少面粉? I know how much hard work goes into looking after a baby. 我知道照看小孩有多辛苦。3  as much an amount that is equal and not less 同等,一样,不少as much (...) as I hope you have as much fun as I did. 我希望你玩得和我一样高兴。 Just do as much as you can. 能做多少就做多少吧。4  as much as 10/100 etc used to emphasize how surprisingly large an amount is 多至10/100等〔用于强调数量大得惊人〕 Some machines cost as much as £20,000. 有些机器价格高达2万英镑。5  NOTused in negative expressions to say that something is not important, interesting, good etc 〔用于否定句,表示并不那么重要、有趣、好等〕not/nothing much ‘What are you doing?’ ‘Oh, not much, really.’ “你在干什么?”“噢,没什么,真的。” There’s nothing much we can do to help. 我们帮不了多大忙。 I don’t think much of that idea (=I do not think it is good). 我不认为这个主意有多好。 The car may not be much to look at (=it does not look good) but it’s very reliable. 这辆车也许看上去不怎么样,但性能非常可靠。 It’s the best book he’s written, but that’s not saying much (=none of his books is very good). 这是他写的最好的书了,但也不怎么样。6  not be much of a something BAD ATto not be a good example of something or not be very good at something 算不上是某事;不怎么会某事 I’m not much of a dancer, I’m afraid. 我恐怕不怎么会跳舞。 It wasn’t really much of a storm. 这其实算不上是暴风雨。7  be too much for somebody DIFFICULTto be too difficult for someone to do or bear 对某人来说太困难;不是某人所能承受的 The effort of climbing the stairs had been too much for the old man. 对那位老人来说,爬楼梯是很困难的。 The shock had been too much for her – she never recovered. 那个打击对她来说太大了——她一直没有缓过来。8  not be up to much British English spokenBAD AT to be fairly bad 不怎么样,很糟糕 The restaurant’s very grand but the food isn’t up to much. 饭店富丽堂皇,但食物不怎么样。9  there is not much in it informal used to say that there is little difference between two things or amounts 相差不大 ‘Isn’t the woollen carpet more expensive?’ ‘A little, perhaps, but there’s not much in it.’ “羊毛地毯是不是更贵?”“可能稍贵些,但相差不大。”10  think/say etc as much SAYTHINK/HAVE THE OPINION THATto think or say the thing that has just been mentioned 也这样认为/说等 Carson strongly disapproved of the plan and said as much at the meeting. 卡森强烈反对这个计划,他在会议上也是这么说的。 ‘Max was lying all the time.’ ‘ I thought as much.’ “马克斯一直在说谎。”“我也这样认为。”11  it was as much as somebody could do to do something SUCCEED IN DOING somethingused to say that someone only succeeded in doing something with great difficulty 某人尽最大努力也只能做某事 He looked so stupid, it was as much as I could do to stop myself from laughing. 他看上去真傻,我拼命忍住才没笑出来。12  not/without so much as something SURPRISEDused when you are surprised or annoyed that someone did not do something 甚至没有做某事,连某事都没有做 They left without so much as saying goodbye. 他们连再见都没有说就走了。 He’d received not so much as a thank you from Tiffany. 他甚至没有听到蒂法尼对他说一句谢谢。13  so much for something used to say that a particular action, idea, statement etc was not useful or did not produce the result that was hoped for 原来某事毫无用处;某事未产生期盼的结果 He’s late again. So much for good intentions. 想得再好也没用,他又迟到了。14  I’ll say this/that much for somebody/something PRAISEused when saying one good thing about someone or something when they are being criticized a lot 我要为某人/某事物这么说〔用于为正遭受批评的人或事说句好话〕 Well, he does admit it when he’s wrong, I’ll say that much for him. 嗯,如果有错他确实会承认的,这我要替他说句公道话。15  as much again SAMEan additional amount that is equal 〔额外的数量〕一样多,同样多 The car only cost me £1,500 but it cost as much again to get it insured. 这辆车只花了我1,500英镑,可是买保险也要这么多钱。16  be a bit much/be too much British English spokenRUDE/IMPOLITE used to say that someone’s behaviour is unacceptable or impolite 有点过分/太过分〔用于指某人的行为不能让人接受或不礼貌〕 It’s a bit much expecting you to pay for it all. 全部要你来出钱,这有点过分了。17  make much of somebody/something formalIMPORTANT to treat a person or thing as though you think they are very important or special 重视[认真对待]某人/某物 The press made much of the discovery. 新闻界对这个发现大肆宣传。 They’ve always made much of their nephews and nieces. 他们总是很宠爱他们的侄子和侄女。n Grammar• Much is mainly used in questions and negative sentences, or after too or so: much用于不可数名词之前,主要用于疑问句和否定句,或too、so之后Was there much snow?There’s not much time left.You’ve used too much soap.• Much sounds very formal in positive statements. It is usually better to say a lot of: There was a lot of food left. ✗Don’t say: There was much food left.• You use much before uncountable nouns: I don’t have much money. 我没多少时间。• You use many before plural nouns: There are too many advertisements on TV. 电视广告太多了 ✗Don’t say: There are too much advertisements on TV. Examples from the Corpusmuch of• The storm will bring rain to much of the state.not/nothing much• "Anything happening?" "Not much."• The slope in figure 10.6 is not much changed after polishing, so the technique is illustrated in exercise 10.1.• He was not much closer to Belafonte, whose alter ego he played in the show.• If he's a skilled boardroom apparatchik, they say he's not much cop as a coach.• She and I have worked together before, and it is not much fun.• There was nothing much I could do to help.• The embalmer was John Sheldon, a recently qualified surgeon not much older than Miss Johnson herself.• Whales and hippos may not much resemble each other nowadays, but retain some hints of kinship.• There was nothing much to say to that, and nobody did.much1 adverb →5 GRAMMAR1 →n USAGE1much2 determiner →10-17 →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →5 REGISTER1LDOCE OnlineChinese  great by amount Corpus a




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