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单词 bandwagon
释义  band·wag·on /ˈbændˌwæɡən/ noun [countable]  1  TAKE PART/BE INVOLVEDan activity that a lot of people are doing 风行的活动,风尚,浪潮 The keep-fit bandwagon started rolling in the mid-80s. 八十年代中期,健身热潮开始涌现。2  climb/jump/get on the bandwagon to start doing or saying something that a lot of people are already doing or saying – used to show disapproval 赶浪头,赶时髦,顺应潮流〔含贬义〕 I don’t want to look as if I’m jumping on a green bandwagon. 我不想显得我是在随大溜参与环保。Examples from the Corpusbandwagon• There is a bandwagon effect that is apparent once initiatives are taken.• As the J-Boat bandwagon gathered momentum, other designs took shape on Rod Johnstone's board.• In every country, intellectuals, too, have jumped on the nationalist bandwagon.• So how do you hop on the bandwagon?• Just a preliminary communication first, without the experimental details, so that nobody can jump on the bandwagon right away.• And other quick-serve restaurant chains, such as Boston Market, are jumping on the bandwagon.• Companies such as Oracle are jumping on the bandwagon, too, with low-priced network·wag·on nounChineseSyllable  that are people Corpus a lot activity doing an of




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