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- the line/path of least resistance
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- thelions
- the-lions
- the lion's den
- the lion's share
- the lion's share of
- the lion's share (of something)
- the lion's share of something
- the lion's share of sth
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- the-little-dipper
- Hyperinsulinism
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- Start something
- Hershey
- Sawn-off
- Wage policy
- Right here and now
- 凡尔纳,儒
- 凡尔纳误撞大仲马
- 凡居官,为前人者,无干誉矫情立一切不可常之法以难后人;为后人者,无矜能露迹为一朝即改革之政以苦前人。此不惟不近人情,政体自不宜尔。若恶政弊规,不妨改图,只是浑厚便好。
- 凡当事,无论是非邪正,都要从容蕴藉。若一不当意便忿恚而决裂之,此人终非远器。
- 凡战之道,未战养其财,将战养其力,既战养其气,既胜养其心。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡战之道,贪生者死,忘死者生,狃胜者败,耻败者胜。
- 凡战者,以正合,以奇胜
- 凡文以意、趣、神、色为主。四者到时,或有丽词俊音可用,尔时能一一顾九宫四声否?|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 凡是词义,凡是组词,凡是造句
- 凡智愚无他,在读书与不读书。祸福无他,在为善与不为善。贫富无他,在勤俭与不勤俭。毁誉无他,在仁恕与不仁恕。
- 凡有横逆来侵,先思所以取之之故,即思所以处之之法,不可便动气。两个动气,一对小人,一般受祸。
- 凡有血气,皆有争心,故利不可强,思义为愈
- 凡欲为治者,无不欲其吏之清也
- 凡欲变风改俗者,其行赏罚也,必使足惊心破胆,民乃易视
- 凡欲显勋绩扬光烈者,莫良于学矣
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