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单词 motherly
释义 Word family  noun mother motherhood mothering adjective motherly motherless verb mother  moth·er·ly /ˈmʌðəli $ -ðər-/ adjective  MOTHERa motherly woman is loving and kind, like a good mother 慈母般的,母亲一样的 → maternal her motherly instincts 她的母性本能 She was a plump, motherly woman in her fifties. 她五十多岁,身材丰满,是个慈母般的女人。 —motherliness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmotherly• motherly advice• Miss Gilbert was motherly but firm, an excellent teacher for the lower forms.• Charles found himself muttering to the motherly dresser, who handed him his hat.• From an attitude of generosity, warm feeling and motherly goodness, she now had shifted into a mood of high hilarity.• All Molly's motherly instincts erupted when she saw what it was.• Impotently, she held both her arms wide in a gesture of motherly love, as though this would comfort him.• If images do not appear as motherly they can not be Goddesses.• But motherly warmth turns cold beside the journalistic revulsion the Molinari gambit provokes.• "Don't worry, " Laura said in a gentle motherly way.• Marguerite was not exactly a motherly woman, but she was in some way comfortable.• a kind, motherly womanmoth·er·ly adjectiveChineseSyllable  is and motherly Corpus a a loving kind, woman like




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