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单词 mortise lock
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Technologyˈmortise lock noun [countable] British English  DTa strong lock that fits into a hole cut in the edge of a door 〔嵌入门里的〕榫眼锁,插锁,嵌锁 SYN American English dead bolt →5 see picture at 见图 lock2Examples from the Corpusmortise lock• It had a mortise lock, a simple keyhole and no key.• Fit a five-lever mortise lock to the back door, or supplement the existing lock with a mortise deadlock.Origin mortise lock (1700-1800) mortise “hole made for a part to fit into” ((14-21 centuries)), from Old French, probably from Arabic murtaj “locked”ˈmortise lock nounChineseSyllable  in the strong that hole Corpus into cut fits lock a a




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