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单词 mores
释义  Related topics: Sociologymo·res /ˈmɔːreɪz/ noun [plural]  formalSS the customs, social behaviour, and moral values of a particular group 〔某一群体的〕风俗习惯,传统,道德观 contemporary social and sexual mores 当代社会习俗和性观念Examples from the Corpusmores• It is not just life that breaks down, but social structures and mores, the whole container of civilization.• Perhaps more serious was the failure to understand, or accept, bureaucratic mores which were at the centre of the system.• Expectations reshaped by mores are no longer so easily affronted.• middle-class mores• It will be they who commit the most crime, it will be they who will stick two fingers up to conventional mores.• Immigration has a lot to do with this, but so do the social mores of a state that is still 60% Mormon.• Certainly the area studies part of the training program had not prepared them for the mores of the nursing profession in Tanganyika.• They stood for the preservation of the mores and folkways that had guided their forebears for generations.Origin mores (1800-1900) Latin plural of mos; → MORAL1mo·res nounChineseSyllable   values social the and moral behaviour, of customs, Corpus




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