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单词 moralistic
释义 Word family  noun moral morals morality ≠ immorality moralist amorality adjective moral ≠ immoral amoral moralistic verb moralize adverb morally ≠ immorally  mor·al·ist·ic /ˌmɒrəˈlɪstɪk◂ $ ˌmɔː-/ adjective  GOOD/MORALwith very strong beliefs about what is right and wrong, especially when this makes you judge other people’s behaviour 道德观念强烈的;道德说教的 It’s difficult to talk to teenagers about drugs without sounding too moralistic. 跟青少年谈论毒品,又不能有太重的说教味道,这是很难的。Examples from the Corpusmoralistic• Our teachers were dull, uninspiring, and moralistic.• Brown, of course, is anything but moralistic.• Willem Dafoe has played both sides of the moralistic coin.• They are stepping over the invisible, moralistic Maginot Line of the old culture of opposition.• a moralistic, middle-class newspaper• He handed Eleanor's book to a moralistic old bag he had once done a writing workshop with.• We need practical approaches to preventing teen pregnancies, not moralistic ones.• Since their interest in the past was primarily moralistic, precise knowledge of actual events and when they happened was not required.• It was a very moralistic, religious-based, money-making pyramid.• Some readers may give them a moralistic spin, arguing that they prove something essential about gay men or homosexuality or promiscuity.• In the eighteenth century criticism was less moralistic than utilitarian and economic.mor·al·ist·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus strong with right is very and about what beliefs




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