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单词 momentary
释义 Word family  noun moment momentum adjective momentary momentous adverb momentarily  mo·men·ta·ry /ˈməʊməntəri $ ˈmoʊmənteri/ ●○○ adjective  SHORT TIMEcontinuing for a very short time 短暂的,瞬间的,片刻的 SYN brief There was a momentary pause. 停顿了片刻。► see thesaurus at shortExamples from the Corpusmomentary• Was it all just a year of madness, a momentary dot.con?• Is this a momentary indicator with no long-term payoff?• Paige scarcely registered the momentary pain of his possession before spiralling waves of indescribable pleasure took her.• Leonie felt a momentary pang of compassion for her wayward granddaughter.• They have a very hard time saying no to momentary pleasures, regardless of the risks or consequences.• Davis was surprised into a momentary silence.• As Father Maier fretted over the course of the meeting, Ray McGovern reveled in his momentary·men·ta·ry adjectiveChineseSyllable  for continuing a Corpus short time very




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