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单词 modernism
释义 Word family  noun modernity modernization modernism modernist modernity modernizer modernization adjective modern modernist modernistic verb modernize  Related topics: Architecture, Visualmod·ern·is·m /ˈmɒdənɪzəm $ ˈmɑːdər-/ noun [uncountable]  AAAVa style of art, building etc that was popular especially from the 1940s to the 1960s, in which artists used simple shapes and modern artificial materials 现代主义,现代派〔20世纪40至60年代尤其流行的一种艺术、建筑等风格,以采用简洁的形状和新式艺术材料为特征〕 → post-modernism the rise of modernism in Paris 现代主义在巴黎的兴起 —modernist adjective, noun [countable] the modernist school 现代派Examples from the Corpusmodernism• A frequent accusation levelled against the nouveau roman and, indeed, both modernism and postmodernism is their apolitical nature.• Fragmentation and alienation quickly entered the visual vocabulary of artists associated with early modernism.• Henceforth modernism would be the star of western art while traditionalism was increasingly ignored.• Hence Paris modernism was able to persist as a vital and radical force.• And that Parisian modernism did indeed represent a deepening Enlightenment rationality.• And what is she peddling, post feminism, post modernism, post your answers in a plain pink envelope?• The first of these is devoted to systematic consideration of what modernism is.mod·ern·is·m nounChineseSyllable  of art, building a etc Corpus was style popular that




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