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单词 mixed
释义 Word family  noun mix mixer mixture adjective mixed verb mix  mixed /mɪkst/ ●●○ adjective  1  [only before noun]VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS consisting of several different types of things or people 混合的,混杂的 a very mixed group of women 一群形形色色的妇女 a mixed salad 什锦色拉2  mixed feelings/emotions NOT SUREif you have mixed feelings or emotions about something, you are not sure whether you like, agree with, or feel happy about it 复杂[矛盾]的心情mixed feelings/emotions about I had mixed feelings about meeting Laura again. 对于再见劳拉,我心情很复杂。 He watched with mixed emotions. 他怀着复杂的心情注视着。3  mixed reaction/response/reviews etc VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSif something gets a mixed reaction etc, some people say they like it or agree with it, but others dislike it or disagree with it 多种不同的反应/回应/评论等 The film has had mixed reviews from the critics. 这部电影得到了评论家们褒贬不一的评价。 Media coverage of the event was mixed. 媒体对这个事件的报道褒贬不一。4  especially British EnglishSEX/GENDER for both males and females 男女混合的 a mixed school 男女混合学校5  a mixed blessing VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDSsomething that is good in some ways but bad in others 利弊兼有的事物 Having your parents living nearby is a mixed blessing. 父母住得近有利也有弊。6  a mixed bag VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS a) a group of things or people that are all very different from each other 混合体,大杂烩a mixed bag of The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music. 那场音乐会是古典音乐和现代音乐的大杂烩。 Club-goers are a mixed bag these days, and so are the places they go clubbing. 现在去夜总会的人形形色色,那些夜总会也是五花八门。 b) something that includes both good and bad parts 好坏参差不齐的事物 The meat was very good, but the vegetables were rather a mixed bag. 肉很好,但蔬菜却有好有坏。7  (of) mixed race having parents of different races 〔父母〕不同种族的 children of mixed race 混血儿8  in mixed company SEX/GENDERwhen you are with people of both sexes 在男女都有的场合 It’s not the sort of joke you tell in mixed company. 这种笑话不宜在男女都有的场合讲。 → mixed metaphor at metaphor(2)Examples from the Corpusmixed• One hall of residence is for men, one is for women and the third is mixed.• Reactions to the announcement were somewhat mixed.• The show draws a mixed audience of children and adults.• Place a plastic bag in your pot and fill with ready mixed cement.• But the College says it's now as a mixed college the Somerville can best function and encourage academic excellence in women.• Beat in the mixed dried fruit and milk and turn into the prepared can.• Many new step-parents will admit to having mixed emotions about their new family.• The other girls had mixed feelings, some of them were happy for me but some were jealous.• a salad of mixed greens• The mixed honours degrees mentioned below specifically cater for the non-vocational law student.• This is a very mixed neighborhood, both racially and socially.• After beating the cake mixture, add a handful of mixed nuts.• If the New Deal is judged by its economic success alone, then the verdict must be a mixed one.• a mixed-race family• Brisbane High was a mixed school so we had plenty to distract us from our lessons.• Also, would you recommend traditional or reverse-flow undergravel filtration for a mixed set-up?• A geezer down in Catford once mixed smack with flour.mixed adjectiveChinese   types several of consisting Corpus of different




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