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单词 mission
释义  Related topics: Military, Officials, Religionmis·sion /ˈmɪʃən/ ●●○ W2 noun [countable]  1  air force/army etc 空军/陆军等PM an important job that involves travelling somewhere, done by a member of the air force, army etc, or by a spacecraft 任务,使命 He was sent on over 200 missions before being killed in action. 在阵亡之前他奉命执行过200多次军事任务。mission to the first manned space mission to Mars 首次载人探索火星任务 US troops taking part in the peacekeeping mission 参与维和任务的美军2  job 工作JOB/TASK an important job that someone has been given to do, especially when they are sent to another place 〔尤指给予被派遣员的〕重要任务,使命 Her mission was to improve staff morale. 她的任务是鼓舞员工的士气。on a mission scientists on a mission to the rainforest, to study possible medicinal uses of plants 到热带雨林执行植物药用研究任务的科学家rescue/diplomatic/fact-finding etc mission a group of US congressmen on a fact-finding mission to Northern Ireland 一组到北爱尔兰执行实情调查任务的美国国会议员3  duty 职责SHOULD/OUGHT TO something that you feel you must do because it is your duty 职责,天职;使命 SYN calling, vocation Tom’s mission was to help young people in his local community. 汤姆的职责就是帮助他所在社区的年轻人。 His main mission in life is to earn as much money as possible. 他人生的主要任务就是尽可能多挣钱。4  purpose 目的 the purpose or the most important aim of an organization 〔一个组织的〕目的,宗旨 The mission of International House is to enable students of different cultures to live together and build life-long friendships. 国际之家的宗旨就是让不同文化背景的学生生活在一起,建立终身的友谊。 → mission statement5  government 政府PGO a group of important people who are sent by their government to another country to discuss something or collect information 〔政府派往国外的〕代表团,工作团,使团 SYN delegation a British trade mission to Moscow 派往莫斯科的英国贸易代表团6  religion 宗教 a) RRreligious work that involves going to a foreign country in order to teach people about Christianity or help poor people 〔在国外进行的基督教的〕传教,布道 b) RRa building where this kind of work is done, or the people who work there 传教所,布道所;传教团,布道团7. mission accomplished FINISH DOING somethingused when you have successfully achieved something that you were trying to do 任务已完成8. woman/man with a mission someone who is very determined to achieve what they are trying to do – often used humorously 坚韧不拔的人〔常为幽默用法〕Examples from the Corpusmission• This is a mission, carried out by people with fire in their eyes.• The French President has sent a mission to the region to try to find a peace formula.• Bush flew bomber missions for the Navy in World War II.• I flew on over 280 combat missions in two wars, so I'm used to danger.• But he knew very well that it was a dangerous mission.• On early missions the insulating foam was painted white so that it matched the rest of the shuttle.• The food missions in Pittsburgh usually serve 750 people per day.• Future missions would collect those rocks and return them to Earth for analyses.• the Galileo mission to Mars• He was immediately sent to Paris. His mission was to negotiate a ceasefire.• Longobardi headed up the Jesuit mission to China.• In that office he translated the old church language about a sense of mission, redirecting it to the nation.• a rescue mission to salvage a satellite• He volunteered to embark on a dangerous secret mission into occupied France.• Equally, each organization will have developed its own sense of its tasks mission and role in relation to others.• He goes on to relate many other such stories, mainly involving apparitions on the mission field.• Their mission is to go to the rainforest to study possible medicinal uses of the plants there.• In this mission, Momich continues to make every effort to be responsive to and sensitive of his neighbors.• The Prime Minister of Canada will be leading a trade mission to India and Pakistan.• A British trade mission has arrived in Moscow.peacekeeping mission• The United Nations peacekeeping mission was a disaster waiting to happen.• Wars begin and end quickly; peacekeeping missions go on for ever.rescue/diplomatic/fact-finding etc mission• Some pass the evening chatting to a Member of Parliament on a fact-finding mission.• He hit upon a rescue mission for himself: freedom bonds.• Only VIPs and foreign diplomatic missions are given permission to utilise such dishes.• But social service officials have warned that even if this latest rescue mission is successful the children could face long-term emotional problems.• A token number of official diplomatic missions is desirable but not essential.• Intermittent radio failure on board the boat also hampered the rescue mission.• They are considered attaches to the diplomatic mission there and are not armed.mission in life• Is each day lived as though you had a mission in life?• His mission in life is to expand the horizons of those around him.• Picton-Howell's main mission in life was to record faithfully the minutes of the many meetings she attended.• My new mission in life is to help educate others.From Longman Business Dictionarymissionmis‧sion /ˈmɪʃən/ noun [countable]1an important job that someone is given to doHer mission was to improve staff morale and output.2the aim of a company or organizationOur mission is to provide quality long-term care to the maximum number of patients.3a trip that a group of people are sent on, for example in order to collect informationHe has just been on a fact-finding mission to China.4a group of people who are sent by their government or an important organization to another country to collect information, have discussions etcThe UN has sent a mission to the area. → trade missionOrigin mission (1500-1600) Latin missio “act of sending”, from mittere “to send, throw”mis·sion nounChineseSyllable  important done job Business travelling Corpus involves somewhere, an that




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