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单词 mismatch
释义  mis·match /ˈmɪsmætʃ/ noun [countable]  SUITABLE#a combination of things or people that do not work well together or are not suitable for each other 错配;不匹配;不协调mismatch between the mismatch between the demand for health care and the supply 医疗保健供求之间的不协调 —mismatched /ˌmɪsˈmætʃt◂/ adjective a mismatched couple 一对不般配的夫妻Examples from the Corpusmismatch• On paper, it was a mismatch.• A mismatch between worker and work station can lead to repetitive strain injuries.• Drafting Rickey Dudley was a big help, because Dudley can create mismatches by going deep against a linebacker.• Let me take one example of mismatch between individual goals and organizational objectives.• The rest of this section will illustrate various types of mismatch of vocabulary.• That mismatch seems worse than it was ten years ago.• Reward systems often exaggerate the mismatch by offering the wrong rewards to the wrong people.• Yet, in the justice game, the mismatch between the opponents is usually that ridiculous.• The mismatch of intent and actuality is just how life works.mis·match nounChineseSyllable  well work not people do combination a that things of or Corpus




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