随便看 |
- resettling
- reshuffle
- reshuffled
- reshuffles
- reshuffling
- reside
- resided
- reside in
- reside in sb
- reside in somebody
- reside in something
- reside in something/somebody
- reside in sth
- residence
- residence hall
- residencehall
- residence-hall
- residences
- residencies
- residency
- resident
- residential
- residential care
- residentialcare
- residential-care
- Oil man
- Take a hint
- Arterial blood
- Feel no pain
- In the lap of the gods
- Colligation
- Hemodilution
- Royal line
- Lie face downwards
- Habit-forming
- 举人不可一以节俭。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 举例的离合词含义解释,举例的离合词用法
- 举例说明的写作手法
- 举办词义,举办组词,举办造句
- 举动》同义词与近义词
- 举动词义,举动组词,举动造句
- 举国上下的意思,举国上下造句
- 举夔一足》注释|译文
- 举大事,动众情,必协众心而后济。不能尽协者,须以诚意格之,恳言入之。如不格不入,须委曲以求济事。不然彼其气力智术足以撼众而败吾之谋,而吾又以直道行之,非所以成天下之务也。古之入神谋鬼谋,以卜以筮,岂真有惑于不可知哉?定众志也,此济事之微权也。
- 举大事必慎其终始。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 举头望明月,低头思故乡
- 举头西北浮云,倚天万里须长剑。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 举手之劳的意思,举手之劳造句
- 举手投足的意思,举手投足造句
- 举措词义,举措组词,举措造句
- Cytolysis句子
- Mast cell句子
- Plasmolysis句子
- Metaphysician句子
- Trendsetting句子
- Hyaline句子
- Bad loan句子
- Predomination句子
- Bull run句子
- Latchet句子
- Lycanthropy句子
- Industriously句子
- Dishware句子
- Business school句子
- Issue forth句子