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单词 messy
释义  mess·y /ˈmesi/ ●●● S3 adjective (comparative messier, superlative messiest)  1  DIRTYUNTIDYdirty or untidy 脏的;不整洁的,凌乱的 a messy room 凌乱的房间 Sorry the place is so messy, I haven’t had time to clear up. 对不起,这地方又脏又乱,我一直没时间打扫。 →4  See picture of 见图 TIDY 12  informalUNPLEASANT a messy situation is complicated and unpleasant to deal with 棘手的,难办的 He’s just been through a particularly messy divorce. 他刚刚经历了一场特别难办的离婚。3  making someone or something dirty or untidy 使肮脏的;使不整洁的 messy jobs like plumbing, plastering, and tiling 修管道、抹墙和铺瓷砖之类的脏活 —messily adverb —messiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmessy• Does my hair look messy?• The Pentagon and its computers keep coming up with cleaner models of warfare, while the world gets messier.• He only cleans up his room when it gets really messy.• Mom yells if my room is messy.• But performance is poor, the steering light and lifeless, ergonomics messy and the gearbox jerky.• Killing women was a messy business, so officials worked out a charade.• Their evidence was a bit messy, but it breathed new life into the debate.• Beyond the question of weight loss, olestra raises some messy health issues.• She felt uncomfortable in such a messy house.• My desk isn't always this messy - I've been working on a major project.• Parliamentary answers intended to explain the phenomenon left a messy impression.• Quarrels were generally messy, involving hot tempers, grief, unpredictable actions, passion, outrage, betrayal.• For a messy person, Alvin had a wonderful planning mind.• Their three-cheese pizza is excellent, but messy to eat.mess·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus dirty untidy or




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