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单词 Mercator projection
释义  Related topics: GeographyMer·ca·tor pro·jec·tion /məˌkeɪtə prəˈdʒekʃən $ mərˌkeɪtər-/ (also Mercator’s projection) noun [singular]  SGthe usual way a map of the world is drawn 墨卡托投影(法)〔绘制世界地图的一种常用方法〕Examples from the CorpusMercator projection• On a Mercator projection, Great Circle routes appear as curves.• Many people have a mental map of the world which corresponds approximately to the Mercator projection.• The Mercator projection and the Zenithal Equal-area projection are shown in the form of screen dumps in Figure 4.7.• The Mercator projection gives a popular, rectilinear picture of the Earth's surface but grossly exaggerates dimensions near the poles.Mer·ca·tor pro·jec·tion nounChineseSyllable  the is map of drawn usual a the Corpus world way




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