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单词 memory
释义 Word family  noun memorial memory memo memoir memorabilia memorandum adjective memorable memorial immemorial verb memorize memorialize adverb memorably  Related topics: Computersmem·o·ry /ˈmeməri/ ●●● S2 W1 noun (plural memories)  1  ability to remember 记忆力 [countable, uncountable]REMEMBER someone’s ability to remember things, places, experiences etc 记忆力,记性memory for She has a terrible memory for names. 她记名字很不行。from memory The pianist played the whole piece from memory. 这位钢琴师凭记忆演奏了整首乐曲。in your memory The image has remained in my memory ever since. 这个形象从此就一直留在了我的记忆里。2  STH you remember 记得的某事 [countable usually plural]REMEMBER something that you remember from the past about a person, place, or experience 记忆,回忆memory of She talked about her memories of the war. 她谈起了对战争的回忆。 He has lots of happy memories of his stay in Japan. 他对在日本逗留的那段时光有许多美好的回忆。 When I saw the pictures, the memories came flooding back (=I suddenly had many memories about something). 我见到那些照片时,记忆如潮水般涌来。3  computer 计算机 a) [countable]TD the part of a computer where information can be stored 〔计算机的〕存储器 The data is stored in the computer’s memory. 数据储存在电脑的存储器里。 b) [uncountable]TD the amount of space that can be used for storing information on a computer 〔计算机存储器的〕存储量 128 Mb of memory 128M的存储量 Personal computers now have much increased memory capacity. 现在个人电脑的存储量大大增加了。4  in/within memory ALWAYS/FOREVERduring the time that people can remember 记忆中的 the worst floods in living memory (=since the earliest time that people now alive can remember) 在世的人们记忆中最凶猛的洪水 It’s certainly the best England team in recent memory. 在人们最近的记忆里这绝对是最好的英格兰队。 The disaster was within the memory of many men still working at the station. 这场灾难仍然留在许多还在站上工作的人的记忆里。5  in memory of somebody REMEMBERif something is done or made in memory of someone, it is done to remember them and remind other people of them after they have died 为了纪念(已故的)某人 a statue in memory of those who died in the war 为了纪念那些在战争中死去的人们而建立的雕像 She set up a charitable fund in her father’s memory. 她设立了一项慈善基金以纪念她的父亲。6  somebody’s memory the way you remember someone who has died 对某人的纪念[怀念] She died over 40 years ago but her memory lives on (=people still remember her). 她40多年前就去世了,但仍然活在人们心里。to somebody’s memory There’s a bench to his memory in the local park. 当地公园里有条纪念他的长凳。7  a walk/trip down memory lane REMEMBERwhen you spend some time remembering the past 追忆往事 She returned to her old school yesterday for a trip down memory lane. 她昨天回到母校故地重游。8  somebody’s memory is playing tricks on them spokenFORGET used to say that someone is remembering things wrongly 某人的记性在和他开玩笑,某人的记忆不准确 My memory must be playing tricks on me; I’m sure I put that book on the desk. 肯定是我的记忆出了问题,我明明记得把那本书放在书桌上的。 COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: someone’s ability to remember things, places, experiences etc 记忆力,记性adjectivesgood/excellent 好的/极好的I wish my memory was as good as yours. 真希望我的记性能像你的一样好。bad/poor/terrible 差的/极差的A student with a poor memory may struggle in school. 记忆力差的学生在学校会学得很艰难。short-term memory (=your ability to remember things that you have just seen, heard, or done) 短时[短期]记忆The drug can damage your short-term memory. 这种药会损害短时记忆。long-term memory (=your ability to remember things that happened a long time ago) 长时[长期]记忆nMost people's long-term memory is limited.visual memory (=your ability to remember things you have seen) 视觉记忆nPoor spellers often have a weak visual memory.a photographic memory (=the ability to remember every detail of things that you have seen) 过目不忘的记忆nUnless you have a photographic memory, you forget half of what you read as soon as you close the book.verbsremain/stay/stick in your memory (=be remembered for a long time) 留在记忆中That day will remain in my memory forever. 那一天将永远留在我的记忆里。refresh/jog your memory (=help someone to remember something) 唤起记忆Perhaps this photograph will refresh your memory? 也许这张照片可以唤起你的记忆?lose your memory (=become unable to remember things that happened in the past) 丧失记忆nThe blow on the head caused him to lose his memory.commit something to memory formal (=make yourself remember something) 牢记某事nI've already committed his name to memory.phraseshave a short memory (=if you have a short memory, you soon forget things) 健忘,记性差Voters have short memories. 选民都很健忘。have a long memory (=if you have a long memory, you remember things for a long time) 记性好He has a long memory for people who have let him down. 人家有负于他,他就记得很牢。have a memory like a sieve (=forget things very easily) 记忆力极差nI'm sorry, I have a memory like a sieve. I forgot you were coming today! loss of memory/memory loss (=when you cannot remember things) 记忆丧失nThe condition can cause dizziness and memory loss.a lapse of memory/a memory lapse (=when you cannot remember something for a short time) 记忆短暂丧失nThe alcohol seemed to make him suffer lapses of memory.if my memory serves (me correctly/right) (=used to say that you are almost certain you have remembered something correctly) 如果我没记错的话If my memory serves me correctly, Johnson was also there. 如果我没记错的话something is etched in your memory (=it is impossible to forget) 某事铭刻在记忆中nThe date was etched in my memory.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: something that you remember from the past about a person, place, or experience 记忆,回忆adjectivesADJECTIVES/NOUN + memorygood/bad etc memoriesHe left school with good memories of his time there.happy/unhappy memoriesMany people have unhappy memories of being forced to play team sports.fond memories (=about someone or something you like)She had fond memories of her aunt and uncle.a painful memory (=very upsetting)He sobbed as he relived the painful memory.a vivid memory (=very clear and detailed)I have vivid memories of that summer.a clear memoryI have a clear memory of the first time I met David.a dim/distant memory (=not clear, from a long time ago)He had only dim memories of his father, who had died when he was four.a vague memory (=not clear)I have a vague memory of visiting them when I was small.a childhood memoryGoing to the farm brought back happy childhood memories.somebody's earliest memoryMy earliest memory is of being bitten by a abiding/enduring/lasting memory (=that you will always have)The children's abiding memory of their father is of his patience and gentleness.verbshave a/have no memory of something (=remember/not remember something)She had no memory of the accident.relive a memory (=talk about past events so you remember them again)Seeing her again was an excuse to relive old memories.bring back memories (also rekindle/revive memories formal) (=make you remember something)For many older people, the film brought back memories of the war.memories come flooding back (=you suddenly remember things clearly)Evelyn hugged her daughter, as memories came flooding back to her.a memory fades (=becomes less clear and accurate)Write down how you felt before the memory fades.phrasesa place is full of memories (=makes you remember things that happened there)My old home is full of unhappy haunted by the memory of something (=be unable to forget something unhappy)He is haunted by memories of his unhappy childhood.shudder/wince at the memory of something (=be upset by remembering something)She shuddered at the memory of her parents fighting.Examples from the Corpusmemory• Both computers had a 28,800-baud fax modem, 16 megabytes of random-access memory and voice mail / speakerphone capabilities.• We're playing the old songs that I'm sure will bring back memories for you.• She may have been held back, too, by memories of near suffocation.• One of my first memories was when he shot a mountain lion and he let me shoot it too.• These stories were told and retold, mainly from memory.• He's got a good memory, but I wouldn't call him intelligent.• I have many happy memories of eating Frankfurters with lashings of mustard in Cologne.• I have lots of happy memories of my time in Japan.• Was she losing her memory as well as her teeth?• Grandpa was getting old and his memory wasn't so good.• The scene will always live in my memory.• This place holds lots of memories for us.• 16 megabytes of memory• Now, his experiences were just a painful memory.• She is blessed with a photographic memory.• Under silver roofs and filigree balconies, gleaming in the freezing sunshine, thoughtful locals swap memories and theories.• I've got a terrible memory for names.• So this brings your memories back.memory of• memories of her years at collegeFrom Longman Business Dictionarymemorymem‧o‧ry /ˈmeməri/ noun [uncountable]COMPUTING the part of a computer in which information is storedStoring and retrieving video images requires vast amounts of computer memory.a machine with 4 gigabytes of memoryBoth companies have sought other partners to make memory chips for them in Japan and South Korea. → main memory → random access memory → read only memory → virtual memoryOrigin memory (1200-1300) Old French memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor “remembering”mem·o·ry noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  remember ability to Business things, Corpus places, experiences someone’s




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