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单词 meek
释义  meek /miːk/ adjective  QUIETvery quiet and gentle and unwilling to argue with people 温顺的,驯服的 He was always so meek and mild. 他总是那么温顺。 —meekly adverb ‘All right, ’ said Neil meekly. “好的。”尼尔温顺地说道。 —meekness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusmeek• This movie, with its violent scenes, is definitely not for the meek.• From my perspective as an adult, they were rather gentle people, maybe even meek.• Like Mum, they were good and meek and deserved more love.• Most guitarists know people who can outplay them in some way and so most register somewhere on the meek and self-effacing scale.• Seemingly meek and self-effacing, she was in fact strong-willed and fiercely passionate.• a shy, meek little child• Moments later, when the air had stilled, two meek men arrived.• And Cilley was, if anything, the meeker of the two.• For years she'd been so meek, so biddable to this man, and all for what?meek and mild• Yet it only took a prolonged stare from Donald to render them meek and mild.• Constanza and Simon used to call her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild and everything Simon did was perfect.Origin meek (1100-1200) Old Norse mjukr “soft”meek adjectiveChinese  people argue to unwilling Corpus with and and quiet very gentle




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