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单词 means test
释义  Related topics: Welfareˈmeans test noun [countable]  PEWan official check in order to find out whether someone is poor enough to need money from the government 经济状况调查〔用以确定某人是否贫穷到需要国家救济〕 —means-tested adjective means-tested benefits 按经济状况调查结果而享受的补助Examples from the Corpusmeans test• Eligibility is determined by a means test administered by the solicitor and based upon assessment of disposable income and capital.• Costs would be limited by keeping the offer open only until 1995 and by using a means test.• It was a household means test, not a family means test.• The same household means test extended the liability of families to support the able-bodied unemployed.• With reduced legal aid payouts and a tough new means test for applicants looming, it could spell financial disaster.• This contradicts the spirit of the supplementary benefit regulations and suggests that the means test is being enforced with new vigour.• But at least it is a benefit as of right and without means test.From Longman Business Dictionarymeans-testˈmeans-test noun [countable] an official check in order to find out if someone is poor enough to receive WELFARE BENEFITs (=payments from the state when you are ill, without work etc)He has made proposals for means-tests for Social Security recipients. —means-tested adjectivespending on ‘means-tested’ programs for low income Americans —means-testing noun [uncountable]We will ensure that the basic state pension is paid as of right and end means-testing for our poorest senior citizens.ˈmeans test nounChineseSyllable  out official to in check an order Business Corpus find




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