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单词 maturity
释义 Word family  noun maturity ≠ immaturity adjective mature ≠ immature verb mature adverb maturely ≠ immaturely  Related topics: Financema·tu·ri·ty /məˈtʃʊərəti $ -ˈtʃʊr-/ ●○○ AWL noun [uncountable]  1  SENSIBLEthe quality of behaving in a sensible way like an adult 成熟 OPP immaturity Beth shows a maturity way beyond her 16 years. 贝丝表现出一种远远超出她16岁年龄的成熟。 One day you’ll have the maturity to understand. 有一天等你长大后你就明白了。2  ADULTthe time or state when someone or something is fully grown or developed 〔人或物的〕成熟(期)at maturity The tree will reach only 5 feet at maturity. 这种树长成也就五英尺高。reach/come to/grow to maturity These insects reach full maturity after a few weeks. 这些昆虫经过几周就会完全发育了。 the era when the Republic came to political maturity 共和党在政治上步入成熟的时期sexual/emotional/physical maturity He lacks the emotional maturity to appreciate poetry. 他情感上还不够成熟,欣赏不了诗歌。3. BFthe time when a financial arrangement such as a bond or an insurance policy becomes ready to be paid 〔债券、保单等的〕到期时间,到期日Examples from the Corpusmaturity• Graham stayed until January 1966 and saw Palace to Second Division maturity and stability.• He also infused the work with a profound vision reflecting great maturity and emotional depth.• It's time for him to match his maturity with his golf and realise he's not going to win every time.• Thus juvenile mortality readily influences size by tuning the timing of maturity.• Sharks take 10 years to reach maturity.• The plant reaches maturity after two years.• There's a real difference in the maturity level of a 13- and a 15-year-old.• The bond is currently priced at 98-16 per 100 nominal with a yield to maturity of 12.50 percent.• The term structure of interest rates describes the relationship between the yield to maturity and the term to maturity of debt issues.sexual/emotional/physical maturity• Some teachers and most students have limited intellectual and emotional maturity...• The compulsion to develop physical maturity long in advance of emotional growth was irresistible.• Her emotional maturity should be such that she does not have to gratify personal needs at the patient's expense.• They tend to aggravate rather than improve the poor self-esteem, poor individual coping skills and poor emotional maturity in the primary sufferer.• And studies show that intellectual and emotional growth does seem to stall after we reach physical maturity.• This is still true when he says that some of the respondents lacked the emotional maturity to respond adequately to poetry.• Believe me, intellectual age has little to do with emotional maturity.From Longman Business Dictionarymaturityma‧tu‧ri‧ty /məˈtʃʊərəti-ˈtʊr-/ noun (plural maturities)1[countable, uncountable]FINANCEINSURANCE the time when a financial arrangement such as a bond or an INSURANCE POLICY becomes ready to be paidWith an individual Treasury bond you are guaranteed to get all your money back at instruments of very short maturities → see also yield to maturity2[uncountable]ECONOMICS when an industry or market has stopped growing as fast as before, and there are fewer competitors etcWestern economies have reached maturity for insurance cover for goods and·tu·ri·ty nounChineseSyllable   Business adult the in sensible an Corpus like quality way behaving a of




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