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单词 marked
释义 Word family  adjective marked ≠ unmarked verb mark adverb markedly  marked /mɑːkt $ mɑːrkt/ ●●○ adjective  1  CLEAR/EASY TO SEE[only before noun] very easy to notice 显著的;明显的 SYN noticeable a marked lack of enthusiasm 明显缺乏热情 The patient showed a marked improvement in her condition after changing medication. 换药治疗后病人的病情明显好转。 Miller’s organized desk stood in marked contrast to the rest of the office. 米勒的桌子上整理得井井有条,和办公室里的其他桌子形成明显的对比。2. marked man/woman RISKa person who is in danger because someone wants to harm them 处于险境的人,成为攻击目标的人5 —markedly/'mɑːkɪdli'mɑːkədli/adv Johnson and Rivera have markedly different leadership styles.约翰逊和里韦拉的领导风格迥然不同。Examples from the Corpusmarked• As a result, the tendency for waste - especially hazardous waste - to cross borders is especially marked.• And here there are marked differences in the way the contributors to this volume see the inner city problem.• These have a marked effect on the development with increasing Ra.• Doctors noted a marked improvement in the patient's condition.• That concentration has become marked in recent elections.• A marked increase in their power would challenge what he surely considered his rightful position within the Yorkist polity.• There have been marked increases in professional, managerial, and routine non-manual work.• He thus became a marked man.• This marked urban - rural shift is explained by a number of causes.marked adjectiveChinese  to easy Corpus very notice




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