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单词 making
释义 Word family  noun make remake maker making adjective unmade verb make remake  mak·ing /ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  1  MAKEthe process of making something 制造,制作,生产making of companies involved in the making of nuclear weapons 涉及核武器制造的公司cheese making/cider making etc a region famous for its cheese making 以制作奶酪闻名的地区2  decision-making/policymaking the process of deciding something 决策/政策的制定 people involved in decision-making at the highest level 最高层级决策参与者3  be the making of somebody SUCCESSFULto make someone a much better or more successful person 使某人更优秀[成功] You’ll see – a couple of years abroad will be the making of him. 你看着好了,去国外待几年会令他大有所成。4  have the makings of something GOOD ATto have the qualities or skills necessary to do a particular job 具有做某事的素质[技能] He has the makings of a world-class footballer. 他具有世界一流足球运动员的素质。5  be a long time/ten years etc in the making FUTUREto take a long time, ten years etc to make 制作时间很长/达十年之久等 a book that was ten years in the making 一本写了十年之久的书6  be of your own making FAULT/BE somebody'S FAULTproblems that are of your own making have been caused by you and no one else 〔问题或困难〕由自己造成 He admits that a lot of his troubles are entirely of his own making. 他承认他的许多麻烦完全是他自己造成的。Examples from the Corpusmaking• quilt-making• Whether senior buyers are able at the same time to exercise an influencing and decision making role will depend on organisational factors.• Many things can interfere with effective decision making.• They have trained-in a succession of concepts over the years: decision making, then situational leadership, and then contingency theory.• He had a real ability for making people decide exactly what they were trying to say and do.• In spite of the obvious dangers, several more people succeeded in making the crossing and gaining a few moments of fame.• Eleanor Coppola wrote a book about the making of "Apocalypse Now."• Marketing research is fundamentally about the acquisition and analysis of information required for the making of marketing decisions.• For the making of a will compliance with the following formalities is now necessary: The will must be in writing.• It has participated in the making of a video by the Banking Information Service on wise ways to use credit.• In Britain the railways not only transported but considerably stimulated the making of bricks.mak·ing nounChineseSyllable  process something of Corpus the making




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