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单词 magic
释义 Word family  noun magic magician adjective magic magical adverb magically  Related topics: Performing, Magicma·gic1 /ˈmædʒɪk/ ●●● S3 W3 noun [uncountable]  1  MAGICthe power to make impossible things happen by saying special words or doing special actions 魔法,法术,巫术 Do you believe in magic? 你相信魔法吗? → black magic, white magic2  ATTRACTa special, attractive, or exciting quality 魅力,魔力 Paris has lost some of its magic for me over the years. 这些年来巴黎对我来说已不如从前那么有魅力了。magic of the magic of Christmas 圣诞节的魔力3. APthe skill of doing tricks that look like magic in order to entertain people, or the tricks that are done 魔术,戏法 SYN conjuring4  like magic/as if by magic SURPRISEDin a surprising way that seems impossible to explain 像变魔术似的 As if by magic, the waiter suddenly appeared with a tray of drinks. 就像变魔术一样,侍应生托着一盘饮料突然出现了。5  work/weave your magic if something or someone works or weaves their magic, they produce a good change or effect in a way that they are often able to do 施展魔力,显出神效 The warm weather and the beautiful scenery began to work their magic and she started to relax. 温暖的天气和美丽的景色开始显出神效,她渐渐放松下来。6. work like magic to be very effective 非常有效n COLLOCATIONSverbsdo magicIn the story, the children are not allowed to do magic out of magic (=do magic)What do you expect me to do? I can’t work magic!use magicBy using magic, he can order the ghost of any dead person to be his servant.adjectivesblack magic (=intended to harm people)The candles had been used for black magic.ancient magicThe place seemed full of shadows and ancient magic.strong/powerful magicHer fingers moved to make the sign that protected against strong magic.n THESAURUSmagic noun [uncountable] the power to make impossible things happen, by saying special words or doing special actionsIn the story, she uses magic to turn him into a frog.Local people believe that he can heal wounds and illnesses using magic.witchcraft noun [uncountable] the use of magic, usually to do bad thingsHundreds of women were accused of witchcraft in the 1600s.spell noun [countable] a special set of words or actions that are used to make something happen by magica magic spellAn evil witch cast a spell on him (=said a special set of words or did a special series of actions, in order to make something happen to someone by magic), turning him into a beast.curse (also hex American English) noun [countable] something that makes someone or something have bad luckThe house seemed to have a curse on it.People believed the pharaoh would put a curse on (=use magic to make them have bad luck)anyone who broke into the tomb.She believed her former husband had put a hex on her.the occult mysterious powers and events that involve magic and spiritsHe was very interested in the occult.voodoo noun [uncountable] magical beliefs and practices used as a form of religiona voodoo curseIn Haiti, the people still practice voodoo. Examples from the Corpusmagic• Christmas has a magic that appeals to young and old.• The club features juggling and magic acts in addition to stand-up comedy.• Am I then a child of miracle and magic?• Angela clapped her hands and the cats disappeared as if by magic.• a wizard who can do magic• He saw a little boy doing magic.• WEAPONS/ARMOUR: The Supreme Patriarch carries a sword but wears no armour as this would compromise his magic.• Lawmakers could really use some of his magic about now.• Harry Potter continues to spin his magic, doubling publisher Bloomsbury's profits to $ 8m.• Be sure to wrap your storytelling in magic and mystery.• an evening of magic and comedy• We only have limited knowledge about the practice of magic in the Middle Ages.• But would they hold the same magic for our 20-month-old daughter, Alexandra?• Not your weasel-faced tame magic, but root-and-branch magic, the old magic.lost ... magic• A child's birthday seems to have lost its magic and has just become another consumer oriented status symbol.• In short, he's lost his magic.magic2 ●●● S3 W3 adjective  1  [only before noun]MAGIC in stories, a magic word or object has special powers that make the person using it able to do impossible things 有魔力的;神奇的 a book of magic spells 一本关于魔法的书 a magic sword 一把魔剑2  relating to the skill of doing tricks to entertain people 〔用于娱乐大众的〕魔术的 His best magic trick is sawing a lady in half. 他最拿手的魔术是把一位女士锯成两半。3  magic number/word a number or word that is particularly important or desired in a particular situation 奇妙的数字/字眼 The magic words ‘a million pounds’ will get everyone’s attention. “一百万英镑”这几个奇妙的字将会吸引每一个人的注意力。4  the magic word the word ‘please’ – used when speaking to children 神奇的“请”字〔用于对儿童说话时〕 What’s the magic word then, Katie? 那么那个神奇的字是什么啊?凯蒂?5  magic touch GOOD ATa special ability to make things work well or to make people happy 有使事情运行良好[使人高兴]的特殊才能 She’s got a magic touch with babies. 她照料婴儿很有两下子。6  magic moment a short time which seems beautiful and special 美妙的时刻 She didn’t want to spoil this magic moment. 她不想破坏这美妙的时刻。7  magic circle a group of powerful people who are friendly with each other and help each other 首脑圈,特权阶层 His outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle and he was never given high office. 他的直言不讳妨碍了他进入特权阶层,他一直未能高升。8  British English spokenGOOD/EXCELLENT very good or very enjoyable 非常好的;令人十分愉快的 SYN great ‘Did you have a good time?’ ‘Yeah, it was magic!’ “玩得痛快吗?”“是的,痛快极了!”Examples from the Corpusmagic• When I was a kid and television arrived, it was magic.• a magic act• Brien has no magic formula for success, other than lots of practice.• This is either some magic geometry of which I know nothing or it is a happy coincidence.• They make a delightful, spontaneously spellbound audience, to whom one could show history unfolding as if with a magic lantern.• As a dowry to this marriage of heaven and hell, Lilith brings a magic mirror, a crown and a pearl.• The head of the Old Man and a magic moment.• No magic moments at the Manor.• The branch grew into a tree that had magic powers.• In the window there was a magic ship inside a bottle.• No magic wand exists that can be waved once and for all to end injustice.• The magic words had been uttered.• Medea said the magic words that would bring her lover back to her.magic spells• Mermaids, magic spells and a giant with a wart on his nose.• The Tzarina does not use the colour magic spells or any of the spell decks in Warhammer Battle Magic.magic trick• David Blaine's dazzling magic tricks..• I used to practice magic tricks.• He performs magic tricks and is everything that three women want.• The party bags can contain one or two little magic tricks or puzzles.• This is an old magic trick which entails some preparation.magic3 verb (magicked, magicking) British English  1 magic somebody/something away phrasal verb DISAPPEARto make someone or something disappear or go somewhere by using magic 用魔法使…消失[去某地] I wish I could magic us away to a warm beach. 我希望我会变魔术,把我们变到一处温暖的海滩上去。2.magic something ↔ up phrasal verb APPEARto make something appear suddenly and unexpectedly 使…突然出现,使…出人意料地出现→ See Verb tableOrigin magic1 (1300-1400) French magique, from Latin magice, from Greek magike, from magos “person with magic powers”ma·gic1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1magic2 adjectivemagic3 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  words to Corpus by happen make impossible saying things special the power




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