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单词 mac
释义  Related topics: Clothesmac, mack /mæk/ noun [countable] British English  DCCa coat which you wear to keep out the rain 雨衣 SYN mackintoshExamples from the Corpusmac• It hasn't quite been a wash-out, although the umbrellas and macs are out in force.• Outside the hotel Maggie turned up the collar of her mac.• He wore a cap and a longish mac done up at the neck.• It was short and hairy and it wore a long plastic mac.• He was getting hot inside his rubberized riding mac.• That was to show off their ten shilling macs.• Kenneth leading the way, trench mac billowing, we running three steps to his one to keep up.Related topics: ComputersMac /mæk/ noun  1  [countable] trademark informal ((Apple) Macintosh) a type of personal computer 苹果电脑〔一种个人电脑〕 → PC Can you run this software on a Mac? 这个软件能在苹果电脑上运行吗?2. American English spoken old-fashionedMANTALK TO somebody used to address a man whose name you do not know 老兄,老弟〔用以称呼不知其姓名的男子〕Examples from the CorpusMac• My roommate just got a Mac.• The scale of the global Mac attack is impressive.• Hey, Mac, get out of the way.• Once, the coolest software was always developed first for the Mac.• The company already has licensed the Mac system to Motorola.• The Mac could be its salvation!• The Mac team was exhausted by the time they got their machine out the door.• Nearby, Pre-Owned Electronics offered refurbished, used Macs with six-month warranties.Origin mac (1900-2000) mackintoshmac nounMac nounChinese  wear a you which to Corpus keep coat




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