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单词 loud
释义 Word family  noun loudness adjective loud adverb aloud loud loudly  Related topics: Coloursloud1 /laʊd/ ●●● S2 W3 adjective (comparative louder, superlative loudest)  1  LOUD/NOISYmaking a lot of noise 大声的,喧闹的 OPP quiet The book fell to the floor with a loud bang. 书砰的一声掉落到地上。 The music was so loud that I had to shout. 音乐太响了,我只得大声地喊。 ‘Who’s there?’ asked David in a loud voice. “是谁?” 戴维大声问道。2  LOUD/NOISYsomeone who is loud talks too loudly and confidently 〔人〕过于自信而说话声过大的,大嗓门的 The more Tom drank, the louder he became. 汤姆喝得越多,嗓门越大。3  DCCCCloud clothes are too bright or have too many bright patterns 〔衣服〕花哨的,扎眼的 SYN garish, gaudy a loud checked suit 扎眼的格子套装4  be loud in your praise/opposition/support etc STRONG FEELING OR BELIEFto express your approval or disapproval very strongly 竭力赞扬/反对/支持等 The local business community was loud in its support for the scheme. 当地商界大力支持这个计划。 —loudly adverb Ben laughed loudly. 本放声大笑。 She spoke more loudly than she intended. 她本来无意那么大声说话的。 —loudness noun [uncountable] THESAURUSloud making a lot of noise – used about sounds, voices, or music 〔声音、音乐等〕大声的,喧闹的a loud explosion 巨大的爆炸声He was talking in a very loud voice. 他在大声说话。The music was too loud. 音乐太响了。noisy making a lot of noise – used about people, machines, and places that are too loud 〔人〕吵闹的,聒噪的;〔机器及场所〕嘈杂的,喧闹的The traffic was so noisy. 车辆噪声真吵。noisy neighbours 吵闹的邻居a noisy bar 喧闹的酒吧rowdy rowdy people behave in a noisy and uncontrolled way. A rowdy place such as a bar is full of noisy people, often behaving badly 〔人〕吵闹的,粗野的; 〔地方〕喧闹的,乱哄哄的rowdy football fans 吵吵闹闹的足球迷a rowdy bar 乱哄哄的酒吧raucous /ˈrɔːkəs $ ˈrɒː-/ especially written unpleasantly loud – used about the excited sound of groups of people 〔激动的人群所发出的声音〕刺耳的,吵闹的raucous laughter 刺耳的笑声raucous crowds 吵闹的人群resounding [only before noun] used to describe a loud noise when something hits another thing, that seems to continue for a few seconds. Also used about people cheering or shouting loudly 洪亮的;回荡的〔用于形容两物相撞的巨响,也用于形容大声欢呼或叫喊的人群〕The door hit the wall with a resounding crash. 砰的一声巨响,门撞到了墙上。a resounding cheer 响亮的欢呼声very loud 声响巨大的thunderous extremely loud and deep in sound 雷鸣般的His remarks received thunderous applause from the audience. 他的话赢得了观众雷鸣般的掌声。deafening /ˈdefənɪŋ/ so loud that you cannot hear anything else 震耳欲聋的The noise was deafening – like a thousand fireworks going off at one time. 那声音震耳欲聋,仿佛上千烟花同时炸响。nPeople living near airports suffer the deafening sound of aircraft taking off and landing.ear-splitting so loud that your ears feel uncomfortable 刺耳的,震耳欲聋的He played the music at ear-splitting volume. 他把音乐放得震耳欲聋。piercing extremely loud, high, and unpleasant to hear 刺耳的,尖利的a piercing scream 一声尖叫COLLOCATIONS CHECKloud sound/voice/musicnoisy person/place/machine/trafficrowdy crowd/fans/barraucous laughter/crowd/atmosphereresounding thud/crash/cheer/applausethunderous applausedeafening sound/noisepiercing voice/scream/whistle/soundExamples from the Corpusloud• The TV's too loud.• Bloom is loud and aggressive.• Hatecore, as the music is known, is gruff, loud and guitar-driven.• He was loud and self-confident, but he had a right to be: he had a knack for picking winners.• Three seconds later there was a loud bang and the hall was filled with smoke.• The music's too loud. Can you turn it down?• Woolley released three loud chords, and started on a ponderous version of the Sailors' Horn pipe.• There was a loud clang and Broomhead cursed vehemently, pulling on the reins.• The boy gave a loud cry of pain.• a loud explosion• a loud purple jacket• Underline the follow-up by means of a loud shout to show that you have unified mental resolve and physical effort in the technique.• Three falls, loud voices, no beating.loud2 ●●● S3 adverb (comparative louder, superlative loudest)  1  spokenLOUD/NOISY in a way that makes a lot of noise 响亮地,大声地 SYN loudly Could you speak a little louder? 你能不能说得大声点? You’ve got the telly on too loud. 你把电视机开得太响了。2  loud and clear CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDin a way that is very easy to understand 容易理解,清楚明白 The message came through loud and clear. 那消息传达得清清楚楚。3  out loud SPEAK A LANGUAGEin such a way that people can hear you 出声地 SYN aloud Read it out loud, so we can all hear. 大声念出来,这样我们都能听到。 Harriet laughed out loud in astonishment. 哈丽雅特吃惊得大声笑了出来。 → actions speak louder than words at action1(13), → for crying out loud at cry1(4)Examples from the Corpusloud• Bill had dozed off in his chair, and was snoring loudly.• As the train left La Spezia, she was so enjoying her adventure that she laughed out loud.• Few people in this world actually talk to themselves out loud.• Kathleen was worried that it would upset him, but he seemed quite relaxed, laughing over incidents and reminiscing out loud.• The things you fear people are thinking, you hear them say right out loud.• They have a tendency to be a bit too loud, too indiscreet, for certain company.• The band was playing so loud, we couldn't hear each other.Origin loud1 Old English hludloud1 adjective →THESAURUS1loud2 adverbLDOCE OnlineChinese  of a noise making lot Corpus




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