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单词 lobby
释义  Related topics: Buildings, Parliaments, Voting, Politicslob·by1 /ˈlɒbi $ ˈlɑːbi/ ●○○ noun (plural lobbies) [countable]  1  TBBa wide passage or large hall just inside the entrance to a public building 〔公共场所入口处的〕门廊,前厅,大厅 SYN foyer a hotel lobby 宾馆大堂 I’ll meet you in the entrance lobby. 我们在入口大厅见。 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方2  a) PGPa hall in the British parliament where members of parliament and the public meet 〔英国议会中的〕民众接待厅 b) PPVone of the two passages in the British parliament where members go to vote for or against a bill 〔英国议会中的〕投票走廊〔其一供投赞成票,另一供投反对票〕3  BBa group of people who try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changed 〔力图使政府更改某项法律或改变某种局面的〕游说团体 the anti-foxhunting lobby 反对猎狐的游说团体 a powerful environmental lobby group 一个有影响力的环保游说团体n GRAMMAR: Singular or plural verb?• In this meaning, lobby is usually followed by a singular verb: The business lobby has warned the government against raising taxes.• In British English, you can also use a plural verb: The business lobby have warned the government against raising taxes.4  PPPERSUADEan attempt to persuade a government to change a law, make a new law etc 〔力图说服政府更改法律、制定新法律等的〕游说 a mass lobby of Parliament by women’s organizations 妇女团体对议会的集体游说Examples from the Corpuslobby• Both classes shared a lobby which had racks on two levels for coats.• Perhaps it is time to recognise that the country-sport vote and lobby should also be taken seriously.• The law has the support of the gun-control lobby.• It is a textbook case of how effectively corporate lobbies work in Brussels, not just Washington.• In his lobby the building management had set up a television screen so that the doorman could watch for criminals.• But the minister had not allowed for pressure from a powerful lobby, that of family associations and pro-life groups.• The tropical plants in the lobby, I notice, are fake as well.• He walked from the Red Field into the lobby and there was no place to sit.• And then we were going down the stairs to the lobby.Related topics: Politicslobby2 ●○○ verb (lobbied, lobbying, lobbies) [intransitive, transitive]  PPPERSUADEto try to persuade the government or someone with political power that a law or situation should be changed 游说〔政府或有政治权力的人更改法律或改变局面〕,进行疏通lobby for/against The group is lobbying for a reduction in defence spending. 该团体正在游说政府削减国防开支。lobby somebody to do something We’ve been lobbying our state representative to support the new health plan. 我们一直在游说我们的州议员支持新的医疗计划。 —lobbyist noun [countable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuslobby• Perhaps it's time to begin lobbying?• Clinton vetoed the bill after being lobbied by trial lawyers, but Congress overrode the veto.• About half the money Raytheon spent lobbying last year went to four government lobbyists and strategists.• The president's lobbying on behalf of his programme was uneven and spasmodic.• We need to lobby our leaders to work for peace and to use its dividends wisely.• Please encourage class members to lobby their local councils about cuts in classes, either personally or by petition.• Wright said lobbying to keep red tape and regulatory cost to a minimum for local companies will be a priority.lobby for/against• Honestly, if an alien anthropologist landed there he might have mistaken the lobby for a flamingo park.• A state politician who also lived in Oak Ridge lobbied for changes in the rules.• Hours later, police were still combing the blood-smeared lobby for evidence.• Political pressure for these latter proposals came from the police themselves, who now formed a strong lobby for increased state regulation.• Price lobbied hard for passage of the helmet law.• The steering group would also lobby for rail improvements.• No pressure group within the medical profession is lobbying for the right to save men's lives by regularly examining the prostate.From Longman Business Dictionarylobbylob‧by1 /ˈlɒbiˈlɑːbi/ noun (plural lobbies) [countable]1a group of people with similar interests who try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changedOpposition to the new law is expected from India’s industry lobby.The Prime Minister is still under pressure from the farm lobby.2an attempt by a group of people to persuade members of a government that a particular law or situation should be changedlobby ofA mass lobby of parliament is planned for next week.lobbylobby2 verb (past tense and past participle lobbied) [intransitive, transitive] to try to persuade a government that a particular law or situation should be changedThe financial community is expected to continue lobbying Congress to introduce new legislation.lobby againstIndustrialists are already lobbying against the reforms.lobby forSmall firms are lobbying for a change to the law. —lobbying noun [uncountable]The decision followed intense lobbying by banks.The industry launched a huge lobbying campaign to persuade the government to change its mind.The corporation hired a lobbying firm to put its case to government.→ See Verb tableOrigin lobby1 (1500-1600) Medieval Latin lobium “covered way for walking”lob·by1 noun →n GRAMMAR1lobby2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus just large or the a entrance inside wide Business passage to hall




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