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单词 likeable
释义 Word family  noun like ≠ dislike liking adjective likeable verb like ≠ dislike  like·a·ble /ˈlaɪkəbəl/ adjective  x-refanother spelling of likable likable的另一种拼法Examples from the Corpuslikeable• Yet, there is still character - Cairns is likeable.• There was just something eminently likeable about him.• Charming, likeable and cultivated, they owned hundreds, thousands of acres, as well as the richest of libraries.• Ian is very likeable and has always had lots of friends.• Mark James can be as likeable as any of his colleagues.• The only likeable character in the whole movie is Judge White.• Less likeable is a thoroughly daft idea by Rochdale Council to purchase compulsorily weavers' cottages in Clegg, Lancashire.• Since his youth he had been perceived as a likeable man.• But Picture Publisher presents complex features in an accessible fashion; a likeable, powerful·a·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  spelling Corpus of likable another




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