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单词 licensee
释义 Word family  noun licence licensee adjective licensed verb license  Related topics: Lawli·cen·see /ˌlaɪsənˈsiː/ noun [countable]  SCLsomeone who has official permission to do something 执照持有人,许可证持有人Examples from the Corpuslicensee• A number of software companies are reluctant to allow licensees or third parties to modify programs.• About 40 % of the foodequipment business is international, but it consists chiefly of exporting products to distributors and licensees abroad.• The situation forced the company to downsize from 35 to six people and start looking for either a buyer or non-exclusive licensees.• Microport thinks it is the first Unix Labs licensee to make the compiler available in shrinkwrapped form.• Moreover, it has been argued that he ought to be responsible for guests or licensees on his land.• We'd clear them out for the licensee if he was having trouble.From Longman Business Dictionarylicenseeli‧cen‧see /ˌlaɪsənˈsiː/ noun [countable]LAW1someone who has official permission to do something, especially to sell alcoholThe full licence enables the licensee to sell liquor for consumption either on or off the premises.2an organization that has permission to make or sell something to which another organization holds the PATENT (=the legal right to make or sell a new product)licensees who have been permitted to develop, manufacture and market the patented article or processli·cen·see nounChineseSyllable  do permission official someone Corpus who Business has to




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