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单词 lead-free
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Gas, coal, oillead-free /ˌled ˈfriː◂/ adjective  TTCTPGlead-free petrol or paint contains no lead 〔汽油或油漆〕无铅的 SYN unleadedExamples from the Corpuslead-free• Cerene white frits are lead-free and do not contain zirconium silicate as the opacifying agent.• Despite the mechanics' worries motoring organisations say they are confident lead-free means trouble free.• The stores subsequently agreed to sell lead-free mini-blinds.• What difference does lead-free petrol make?• Perhaps lead-free petrol, or traffic-free streets.• Britain's car manufacturers and oil companies now accept the inevitability of lead-free petrol.• Provision for lead-free sample containers is a major requirement.• Speedfit fittings are lead-free, totally safe for drinking water, and are Water Research Centre listed.lead-free adjectiveChinese  petrol lead-free or lead Corpus paint contains no




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