随便看 |
- two points adrift
- two points adrift of
- two points adrift of sb
- two points adrift of somebody
- two points/five seconds etc adrift (of somebody)
- two points seconds adrift
- two points seconds adrift of
- two points seconds adrift of sb
- two points seconds adrift of somebody
- twos
- two's company, three's a crowd
- two-seater
- twoseater
- two seater
- two shakes
- two-sided
- twosided
- two sided
- two sides of the same coin
- twosome
- twosomes
- two-star
- twostar
- two star
- two-step
- Trial and error method
- Tranter
- Front entrance
- Sumpter
- Jade green
- A large quantity of
- In one case
- Military unit
- Shearling
- Kelpie
- 冰的量词使用,词语解释
- 冰皮始解,波色乍明,鳞浪层层,清澈见底,晶晶然如镜之新开,而冷光之乍出于匣也。山峦为晴雪所洗,娟然如拭,鲜妍明媚,如倩女之面而髻鬟之始掠也。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 冰纶二陆指的是谁
- 冰肌雪肠原自同,铁心石腹何悉冻。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 冰见烈火,吾知其易易也。然而以炽炭铄坚冰,必舒徐而后尽;尽为寒水,又必待舒徐而后温;温为沸汤,又必待舒徐而后竭。夫学岂有速化之理哉?是故善学者无躁心,有事勿忘从容以俟之而已。
- 冰轩《时光书(组诗)》
- 冰轰雪吼的解释?冰轰雪吼是什么意思?描写水的词语
- 冰鉴(全鉴)(第2版)
- >冰雪国王
- 冰雪王国:美国军舰珍妮特号的极地远征