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单词 laughingly
释义 Word family  noun laugh laughter adjective laughable verb laugh adverb laughably laughingly  laugh·ing·ly /ˈlɑːfɪŋli $ ˈlæ-/ adverb  1  STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEif something is laughingly called something, the name is a joke, or is not suitable 开玩笑地;荒唐可笑地 The news network was laughingly referred to as the ‘Disaster Channel’. 这个新闻网络被戏称为“灾难频道” 。2. LAUGHif you do something laughingly, you are laughing while you do it 带笑地,笑着Examples from the Corpuslaughingly• Several other women laughingly agreed.• Critics laughingly called CNN "Chicken Noodle News."laugh·ing·ly adverbChineseSyllable  laughingly called a something, name is Corpus is something joke, if the




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