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单词 lab
释义  lab /læb/ ●●● S3 noun [countable] informal  TBa laboratory 实验室 the school science lab 学校的科学实验室Examples from the Corpuslab• It was a fun lab project.• As a stores manager, Horne finds that the quantity of 1,1, 1 used in labs is small.• The anti-viral drug has also been shown to inhibit the growth of borna virus in lab tests.• In the forties, many lab scientists labored at their benches pursuing vaccines with inactivated or killed viruses.• He was known for facilitating the process whereby tumor markers, or lab tests for tumors, were brought into the marketplace.• This is Graham's lab of effusion.• This is Gram's lab of diffusion.• SunSoft Inc claims to have a multiprocessing version of Solaris 2.0-on-Intel running in the lab.Related topics: GroupingsLabPPGthe written abbreviation of Labour, in British politics / Labour 的书面缩写 ,〔英国〕工党Origin lab 1. (1800-1900) laboratory2. (1900-2000) Labradorlab nounLabChinese  a Corpus laboratory




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