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单词 knot
释义  Related topics: Hair & beauty, Measurement, Waterldoce_188_cknot1 /nɒt $ nɑːt/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  string/rope etc 线/绳等TIE a) a part where one or more pieces of string, rope, cloth etc have been tied or twisted together 〔线、绳、布等打成的〕结 Are you any good at tying knots? 你擅长打结吗? Thread the string through the hoop and tie it in a knot. 把线穿过环并打成结。 b) DCBa part where hair, a thread etc has become accidentally twisted together 〔头发、线等纠缠的〕结 I can’t get the knots out of my hair. 我没法把打结的头发梳理开。knot in There’s a knot in my shoelace. 我的鞋带上有个结。 →5  See picture of bow 蝴蝶结, knot 绳结, loop 绳圈2. hair style 发式 a hair style in which your hair is arranged in a tight round shape on top of your head 发髻,圆髻3. wood 木材TI a hard round place in a piece of wood where a branch once joined the tree 节,节疤4. TMTTWship’s or aircraft's speed 船或飞机的速度 a unit for measuring the speed of ships and aircraft, equal to about 1,853 metres per hour 节〔船和飞机的速度单位,约合1,853 米/小时〕5  people 人们GROUP OF PEOPLE a small group of people standing close together 〔站在一起的〕一小群人knot of Knots of delegates stood around outside the conference centre. 代表团成员三三两两地站在会议中心外。6  feeling 感觉 a tight uncomfortable feeling caused by a strong emotion such as fear or anger 〔因恐惧或气愤等强烈感情引起的〕紧缩(感),痉挛knot of a knot of anxiety in her stomach 她因焦虑而引起的腹部痉挛 Her stomach was in knots. 她的胃揪成一团。7. hard mass 硬块 a tight painful place in a muscle 〔肌肉上的〕硬结,隆起物 → Gordian knot, → at a rate of knots at rate1(7), → tie the knot at tie1(5), → tie yourself (up) in knots at tie1(6)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1a: verbstie a knotMy uncle taught me how to tie knots.untie/undo a knotHe tried to untie the knot in the rope around his ankles.loosen a knot (=make it less tight)Mr Benson loosened the knot in his tie.adjectivestightThe knot in my shoelaces is really tight.looseShe tied the belt in a loose knot around her waist.Examples from the Corpusknot• Decent women let their hair grow and tied it in a knot on the back of the head.• There's a knot in my shoelace.• A knot of figures were huddled together on the walkway.• Circuits are normally flown with climb or take-off flap at eighty knots, reducing to seventy with landing flap on final approach.• But some philosophers get themselves tied in knots because they implicitly assume that the cat can have only one history.• My stomach was in knots, not knowing what I would find.• Outside the hotel, a little knot of bystanders had gathered to see what was happening.• I tied a monster knot, one I invented on the spot, and tugged it hard, Lincoln licking my ear.• Above the tangled knots of old fishing-nets, still supported by their floats, always hovered seabirds, waiting for a meal.• The knot of men at the bar had started talking about the elections.• I can't get the comb through all of these knots in your hair.• He loosened the tight knot round his throat.knot in• a knot in my shoulder muscleknot of• Tathir emerged from a knot of players.knot2 verb (knotted, knotting)  1  TIE[transitive] to tie together two ends or pieces of string, rope, cloth etc 把…打成结 A pretty scarf was loosely knotted around her neck. 她的脖子上松松地系着一条漂亮的围巾。2. MIX[intransitive] if hair, a thread etc knots, it becomes twisted together 〔头发、线等〕绞缠,打结3  HARDCOMFORTABLE[intransitive, transitive] if a muscle or other part of your body knots, or is knotted, it feels tight and uncomfortable (使)〔肌肉〕暴突,(使)〔身体某部位〕紧揪 Fear and anxiety knotted her stomach. 恐惧和焦虑使她感到腹部痉挛。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusknot• Britt casually knotted a silk scarf around her neck.• Two basic skills are needed - knotting and weaving.• Chances are your stomach gets knotted and you feel distracted, restless, impatient.• The muscles in my shoulders knotted as I got up from the table.• He was an awe-inspiring sight, his beard jutting out fiercely and his brow knotted in anger.• He tied the rope to the tree, knotted it, and attached the other end to his car.• They both wore plain silk blouses, pearls and Hermès scarves knotted loosely around their throats.• He knotted the cord of his dressing-gown and left the room.• The roofs were made of sticks knotted to form a cone.From Longman Business Dictionaryknotknot /nɒtnɑːt/ noun1tie the knot journalism if two companies tie the knot, they join and become one companySYN MERGEBanks across the country tied the knot as a way to cut costs and boost earnings.2[countable] a measurement of the speed at which ships travel, equal to about 1,853 metres an hourOrigin knot1 Old English cnottaknot1 noun →n COLLOCATIONS1knot2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  pieces of Business Corpus one more or a part where




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