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单词 kiss
释义  kiss1 /kɪs/ ●●● S3 W3 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]KISS to touch someone with your lips as a greeting, to show them love, or as part of a sexual relationship 吻 Maggie leaned forward and kissed her cheek. 玛吉俯身吻了她的脸颊。 Georgina took him in her arms and kissed him on the lips. 乔治娜抱住他,吻他的嘴唇。 Jim and Mary kissed (=they kissed each other). 吉姆和玛丽接了吻。kiss somebody gently/lightly He kissed her gently and stroked her hair. 他温柔地吻她并轻抚她的头发。kiss somebody goodbye/good night etc Kiss Daddy good night. 亲亲爸爸说晚安。n GRAMMAR: Reciprocal verbsKiss is a reciprocal verb. This type of verb is used when saying that two or more people do something that involves both or all of them. It does not need to have an object: We kissed. In this sentence, kiss is intransitive and does not have an object.You can also say: We kissed each other.I kissed her. In these sentences, kiss is transitive.2  [transitive]KISS to touch something with your lips as a sign of respect 用唇轻触〔以示敬意〕 She raised the crucifix to her lips and kissed it. 她把十字架举到嘴边亲吻了一下。3  kiss goodbye to something/kiss something goodbye informalCHANCE/OPPORTUNITY to accept that you will lose something or lose an opportunity to do something 承认会失去某事物;承认失去做某事物的机会 She knew if she concentrated on her marriage she could kiss her career goodbye. 她知道如果全心投入婚姻,就别想有自己的事业了。4  kiss something better spokenCURE used, especially to a child, to say that you will take away the pain of something by kissing them 亲一亲就不痛了〔尤对小孩用语〕 Here, let Mommy kiss it better. 来,让妈妈亲亲就不痛了。5. kiss my ass American English informal not politeINSULT an insulting expression used to show that you do not respect someone 去你的6. kiss (somebody’s) ass American English informal not politeFRIENDLY to be too nice to someone who can give you something you want – used to show disapproval 拍(某人)马屁,巴结(某人)〔含贬义〕7. [transitive] literaryMOVE something OR somebody if the wind, sun etc kisses something, it gently moves or touches it 〔风、阳光等〕轻拂,轻触8 kiss up to somebody phrasal verb American English informal FRIENDLYto try to please someone in order to get them to do something for you – used to show disapproval 〔为让某人做某事而〕奉承〔含贬义〕 SYN British English suck up to If you say that, it’ll look like you’re kissing up to me. 你要是那么说,就像是在讨好我似的。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuskiss• Terry and I gazed at the stars together and kissed.• They were on the sofa, curled up together, kissing.• Do you remember the first time you kissed a boy?• They kissed briefly, then he left the house.• When I was a child, I used to hate being kissed by visiting relatives.• They kissed for a while, softly.• Even two years after kissing her daughter goodbye at the hospital, her voice quavers slightly when she talks about it.• She kissed him lightly on the lips and rose from the bed to get dressed.• His mother hugged him and kissed him on both cheeks.• Timothy bent to kiss his aunt's cheek.• Each person knelt before the Pope and kissed his ring.• He wanted to kiss Liz, but he didn't dare.• Mrs Thomson kissed Maria goodbye, and handed her suitcase.• He did kiss me back then, as if he wanted to press his wretched thin inhibited mouth right through my head.• She stepped toward me, so close that for a startling instant I thought she was going to kiss me.• Had kissed them all, in fact.kiss2 ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  KISSan act of kissing 吻,接吻 Do you remember your first kiss? 你记得你的初吻吗?2. give somebody the kiss of life especially British EnglishMH to make someone start breathing again by blowing air into their lungs when they have almost drowned etc 对某人做人工呼吸3. the kiss of death informalSPOIL something that spoils or ruins a plan, activity etc 破坏计划[活动等]的事 → French kiss COLLOCATIONSverbsgive somebody a kiss 亲吻某人I always give the kids a kiss before they go to school. 孩子们上学前我总是给他们一个吻。nCome and give Mummy a kiss good night.blow somebody a kiss (=to kiss your hand and then blow across it towards someone) 给某人一个飞吻Joe blew her a kiss and waved goodbye. 乔给她一个飞吻,然后挥手道别。plant a kiss on somebody's cheek/forehead etc (=to kiss someone on their cheek etc) 在某人脸颊/额头等上吻一下nStephen planted a kiss on his daughter’s forehead.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + kissa big/little kiss 大大/轻轻一吻She put her arms around him and gave him a big kiss. 她搂住他,给他一个大大的吻。a quick kiss 迅速一吻He gave her a quick kiss before leaving for work. 他匆匆吻了她一下就去上班了。a gentle/tender kiss 温柔一吻She could still feel that last tender kiss. 她仍能感觉到那最后的温柔一吻。a passionate kiss 激情一吻nShe gave him a passionate kiss.a long/lingering kiss 长长一吻nHe gave her a a long, slow, lingering kiss. a sloppy kiss (=a kiss with rather wet lips) 湿吻nHer little boy gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek.a farewell/goodnight kiss (=when saying goodbye or goodnight to someone) 告别/晚安之吻nDon’t go to bed without your goodnight kiss!your first kiss 你的初吻nWhere were you when you had your first kiss?na French kiss (=a sexual kiss using your tongue)The couple shared a lingering French kiss.phraseslove and kisses (=used at the end of a letter) 爱你并吻你〔用于信尾〕See you soon. Lots of love and kisses from Anna. 盼望很快和你见面。十分爱你的安娜吻你。Examples from the Corpuskiss• "Have you got a kiss for your old Dad?'' he asked.• Not so natural to put her down with a thud and devour her with a kiss.• In my mother's day, kissing in public was severely frowned upon.• It was in her desperate kisses, the way she clutched at him, her hands roving possessively, staking out claims.• That was my first kiss from a woman.• What do kids know of timelessness or flower kisses, fallen heroes and exquisite defeat?• In the morning he woke her with gentle kisses.• She gave him a quick kiss and said goodbye.• When she kissed, she kissed soul kisses.• I leaned forward and gave him a sloppy kiss on his belly: blub-blub-blub.• She took the kiss as a mark of approval and wore it with pride.From Longman Business DictionaryKISSKISS /kɪs/ informal keep it simple, stupid, or keep it short and simple; used to say that a method for doing something should be kept simple in order to avoid mistakesOrigin kiss1 Old English cyssankiss1 verb →n GRAMMAR1kiss2 noun →COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  to as someone a greeting, touch to your lips Business Corpus with




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