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单词 kingdom
释义  Related topics: Governmentking·dom /ˈkɪŋdəm/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  PGa country ruled by a king or queen 王国 the United Kingdom 联合王国kingdom of the kingdom of Thailand 泰王国2. the animal/plant/mineral kingdom HBone of the three parts into which the natural world is divided 动物界/植物界/矿物界〔大自然三界〕3. the kingdom of heaven/God  (also God’s kingdom)RRCRELIGION heaven 天国4  kingdom come informalDESTROY a phrase used to describe the end of the world, death, or the end of time 世界末日;死;结束 He left the gas on and nearly blew us all to kingdom come. 他忘了关上煤气,差点把我们都送上西天。king·dom nounChineseSyllable  




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