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单词 kid
释义  Related topics: Animals, Material & textileskid1 /kɪd/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  [countable] informalCHILD a child 小孩,儿童 She’d always loved animals since she was a little kid. 她从小就喜爱动物。 He’s married with three kids. 他已婚,有三个孩子。 A neighbor volunteered to keep an eye on the kids (=their children or the children they are responsible for). 一位邻居主动来照看这些小孩。► see thesaurus at child RegisterKid is informal. For formal or written styles use child: kid是非正式用语,正式用语或书面语中用childResearch suggests that children from abusive families are likely to repeat violent behaviour. 研究表明,来自暴力家庭的孩子可能也会有暴力行为。2  [countable] informalYOUNG a young person 年轻人 college kids 大学生3  [countable usually singular] used by adults to address a person who is younger than them 年轻人〔成年人用以称呼比自己小的人〕 Hey kid, come here. 喂,年轻人,到这儿来。4  kid’s stuff  (also kid stuff American English)EASYBORING something that is too easy or boring 轻而易举的事情;单调乏味的事 Pokémon? Oh boy, that is kid stuff! 《宠物小精灵》?得了吧,小孩子看的玩意儿!5  HBATIM a) [countable] a young goat 小山羊 b) [uncountable] very soft leather made from the skin of a young goat 小山羊皮 a pair of white kid boots 一双白色的小山羊皮靴6  kid gloves CAREFULa way of treating someone kindly and carefully because they easily become upset 〔对待易生气者〕小心谨慎treat/handle somebody with kid gloves I want you to treat Hayley with kid gloves today. She’s still upset about her father. 我希望你今天对海莉态度小心些,她还在为她父亲的事心烦。Examples from the Corpuskid• I remember the good things about a kid and he showed that tonight.• He was kind to her as a kid.• Don't be so hard on him - he's just a kid.• I tried out for the swim team when I was a kid.• Jamie's a bright kid.• All I ever wanted was to get married and have kids.• But New York has my friends and now it's got my kid.• The older kids were at school and two of the women had taken the younger ones to the park.• Billy is Paul O'Brien's kid, isn't he?• Could you look after the kids this evening?• Who's the kid in the blue jacket over there?• Tell the kids next door to turn down their music.• Most of these kids live in this neighborhood and are surrounded by gangs and drugs.• We have two kids in high school now.• When we were kids, we used to spend practically the whole summer outdoors.• I really enjoy working with kids.• I told Mike today that I feel like a young kid.the kids• A folk field, a blues field, and a jump field for the kids.• Instead of saying no, they let the kids have it.• Or maybe the kids will have to work with it first and then show Mom and Dad.• Many of the kids who are out there making music don't necessarily want a record deal.• He could take care of it when one of the kids got in trouble with the police.• Tell the kids to wash their hands and come in here when the programme's ended.• I knew that I wanted the kids to be good thinkers, to use their minds, to like school.• If it doesn't work I know now I can re-establish things with myself and with the kids.kid2 ●●○ verb (kidded, kidding) informal  1  [intransitive, transitive]JOKING/NOT SERIOUS to say something that is not true, especially as a joke (拿…)开玩笑 SYN jokejust/only kidding Don’t get mad – I was only kidding. 别生气,我只不过是开玩笑。2  [transitive] to make jokes or say funny things about someone in a friendly way 〔善意地〕戏弄;取笑 SYN teasekid somebody about something We were kidding Mom about being a grandmother. 我们逗妈妈说她要当祖母了。kid somebody (that) My friends kidded me that my gear would fill the car. 朋友们取笑我,说我的东西要把车子塞满了。3  no kidding?/are you kidding?/you’re kidding spokenSERIOUS/NOT JOKING used when you are so surprised by what someone has told you that you do not completely believe them 不是开玩笑吧? Carlotta’s 39? No kidding? 卡洛塔39岁了?不是开玩笑吧?4  no kidding spoken a) used to say that you understand and agree with what someone has just said 没错,可不是〔表示理解或同意别人的话〕 ‘That girl has some major problems.’ ‘Yeah, no kidding.’ “那女孩有些严重的问题。”“对,没错。 b) used to emphasize a threat or that you are telling the truth 说真的,不骗你 If you break that thing, you’ll be grounded for a week – no kidding. 要是你把那东西打破了,就罚你一星期不许出门——绝不是开玩笑的。 And then he saw us and – no kidding – he asked us if we wanted a ride. 然后他就看到我们了,还问我们要不要搭便车,不骗你。5  [transitive]WRONG/INCORRECT to let yourself believe something that is untrue or unlikely 欺骗,哄骗〔自己〕kid yourself (that) Don’t kid yourself he’ll ever change. 你别自欺欺人地以为他会改变。 We thought we could change the world. Just who were we trying to kid? 我们自以为能够改变世界,我们这是在骗谁呢?6. I kid you not spokenTRUE used to emphasize that you are telling the truth 跟你说正经的,我不骗你7 kid around phrasal verb informal STUPID/NOT SENSIBLEto behave in a silly way 胡闹 Stop kidding around and listen. 别胡闹了,听我说。 —kidding noun [uncountable]→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuskid• And who was she trying to kid, anyway? she thought unhappily.• He tried not to kid himself that he was any longer much of a terror.• You've got to be kidding me! What do you mean you lost the tickets?• I manage to earwig a conversation between, and I kid you not, two members of Napalm Death.just/only kidding• Ha, ha, just kidding.• They looked at me and I said I was just kidding.• Joey is just kidding, but even I have my limits.kid somebody about something• Uncle Gene always kids me about my long hair.kid yourself (that)• The alternative is to stay with what got you this far: the kids themselves.• Quit kidding yourself and admit that you may have a lifetime sentence here with your son.• And the kids themselves are a mix of black, brown and yellow.• I was kidding myself for such a long time I began to ignore the risks.• But even the slate-makers do not kid themselves into thinking they are decIding who the candidates will be.• She was a kid herself, making good.• He tried not to kid himself that he was any longer much of a terror.• I tried to kid myself that some one took her and dragged her there, you know the scenario.kid3 adjective  1.kid sister/brother especially American English informal your kid sister or brother is younger than you are 妹妹/弟弟 SYN British English little sister/brotherExamples from the Corpuskid• I really didn't understand the kid gloves, but it was still a slap up-side their right-wing heads.• Steve Francis still plays with the joyous ferocity of the kid ninja warrior.• Jackson proved once and for all he was no longer the kid star of the Jackson Five days.Origin kid1 (1100-1200) Old Norse kith kid2 (1500-1600) Probably from → KID1kid1 noun →REGISTER1kid2 verbkid3 adjectiveChinese  child a Corpus




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