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单词 attachment
释义 Word family  noun attachment detachment adjective attached ≠ unattached ≠ detached detachable verb attach ≠ detach  Related topics: Technology, Law, Computers, Toolsat·tach·ment /əˈtætʃmənt/ ●●○ AWL noun  1  [countable, uncountable]LIKE somebody OR something a feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them 喜爱,爱慕,依恋attachment to/for a child’s attachment to its mother 孩子对母亲的依恋2  [countable]T a part that you can put onto a machine to make it do a particular job 附件,附属物,附加装置 The vacuum cleaner has various attachments. 这台真空吸尘器有各种附件。3  [uncountable]FAITHFUL belief in and loyalty towards a particular idea, organization etc 信仰,忠诚attachment to/for old people’s attachment to traditional customs 老人对传统习俗的坚持4  [countable] a document or file that is sent with an email message 〔电子邮件的〕附件 I’ll send the spreadsheet as an attachment. 我将把电子表格作为附件发送。5  [countable, uncountable] when you fasten or connect one thing to another, or the thing that you use to do this 连接;连接物 Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes. 钩子固定在墙上以套挂绳索。 the attachments that secure your boots firmly to the skis 把靴子牢牢固定在滑雪板上的扣件6  on attachment WORK FOR somebodyworking for a particular organization, especially for a short period of time 〔尤指短期〕在…工作,挂职 He was sent on attachment to their offices in Hong Kong. 他被暂派到他们在香港的办事处工作。7. [countable, uncountable] law a situation in which part of the money someone earns or money that is owed to them is taken by a court of law and used to pay their debts 扣押财产8. [countable] technical a piece of paper fastened to a document such as an insurance agreement, which shows a special condition of the agreement 〔保险合同等的〕附加条款Examples from the Corpusattachment• This is not excessive if all attachments are included and a comprehensive review of literature is included.• I'm sending the document as an attachment. Please let me know if you have trouble reading it.• If these six parasites find an attachment, there will be dismemberment.• But-this is crucial-it remains an attachment.• But in terms of the idea of attachment objects can be very varied.• This vacuum cleaner comes with a range of attachments.• The service you get is fairly standard, with no apparent limits imposed on storage space or attachment size.• a romantic attachment• On the contrary she seemed rather to welcome Lesley-Jane's attachment.• The group who were the most uncompromising in their attachment to divine and hereditary right were the Nonjurors.attachment to/for• This means the physical components of computers, including the minicomputers, microcomputers and integrated systems and attachments to the computers.• Printed alloy instruction labels for attachment to manufactured products.• But, in the absence of anyone more suitable, he transferred his attachment to the unlikely figure of yours truly.• His attachment to classical principle was not so great as to deter him from practical innovation.• Many workers have little attachment to their companies.• Sentimental attachment to some geographic part of the world is not part of the system.• These allow soil attachment to occur normally but to the coating rather than the substrate.• I had a strong attachment to him.attachment to/for• This means the physical components of computers, including the minicomputers, microcomputers and integrated systems and attachments to the computers.• Printed alloy instruction labels for attachment to manufactured products.• But, in the absence of anyone more suitable, he transferred his attachment to the unlikely figure of yours truly.• His attachment to classical principle was not so great as to deter him from practical innovation.• Sentimental attachment to some geographic part of the world is not part of the system.• No one troubled to pin a fellow down until he showed signs of a serious attachment to a well-bred girl.• These allow soil attachment to occur normally but to the coating rather than the substrate.• I had a strong attachment to him.From Longman Business Dictionaryattachmentat‧tach‧ment /əˈtætʃmənt/ noun1[countable, uncountable]LAW when part of someone’s earnings or money that is owed to them is taken by a court and used to pay their debtsOrganizations can apply to have an attachment of earnings made on someone who owes them money.2[countable] a piece of paper fastened to a document such as an insurance agreement, which shows a special condition of the agreement3[countable]COMPUTING a document which is sent as part of an EMAIL messageYou can send me the spreadsheet as an·tach·ment nounChineseSyllable   Business Corpus a you that someone like or love feeling




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