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单词 journey
释义  jour·ney1 /ˈdʒɜːni $ -ɜːr-/ ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  especially British EnglishTRAVEL an occasion when you travel from one place to another, especially over a long distance 〔尤指长途的〕旅行,旅程 SYN American English tripjourney to/from/between my journey to China 我的中国之行journey through/across etc a journey across Europe 横贯欧洲之旅 the friends they made on the journey 他们在旅途中交下的朋友2  literaryDEVELOP a long and often difficult process by which someone or something changes and develops 历程,过程 our journey through life 我们的人生历程 The novel is an account of his spiritual journey. 这本小说讲述了他的心路历程。 COLLOCATIONSverbsmake a journey 旅行I still use my car, but now I make fewer journeys. 我仍然开车,但现在出行次数减少了。go on a journey (=make a long journey) 作长途旅行We are going on a journey to a strange country. 我们将要去一个陌生的国家旅行。begin/start a journey 开始旅行,启程He began the journey home across London. 他穿过伦敦,踏上了回家的旅程。set off on a journey (also embark on a journey formal) (=start a long journey) 开始长途旅行nBefore setting off on a journey, look at maps and guidebooks.break your journey (=make a short stop on a journey) 旅途中短暂停留nWe broke our journey to have a picnic.continue your journey 继续旅行nWe stopped for breakfast, then continued our journey.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + journeya car/plane/bus etc journey 汽车/飞机/公共汽车等旅行the six-hour train journey to London 前往伦敦的六小时火车车程a long journey 长途旅行They arrived tired from their long journey. 经过长途旅行,他们抵达时已筋疲力尽。a difficult journey 艰难的旅程It was a difficult journey, especially in the winter months. 旅途很艰辛,尤其是在冬季的那几个月。a safe journey (=used especially to wish someone a good journey) 旅途平安〔尤用于祝愿〕Have a safe journey. 一路平安。an epic journey (=a very long and eventful journey) 漫长而艰难的旅程nLewis and Clark made their epic journey across the continental United States in the early 1800s.a wasted journey (=one that did not achieve the result you wanted) 徒劳无功的旅行nTo avoid a wasted journey, ring first to check that the event is still dangerous/hazardous/perilous journeyThey set off on the dangerous journey down the river.nan arduous journey (=to a place that is difficult to reach)the arduous journey to the North Polethe outward journey (=the journey to a place) 去程nThe outward journey seemed long and slow.the return journey (=the journey back from a place) 回程nThe return journey was uneventful.the homeward journey (=the journey back home) 回家之旅nIn the car on their homeward journey, they discussed the wedding.phrasesa leg/stage of a journey (=one part of a journey) 一段旅程We set off on the final leg of our journey. 我们踏上了最后一段旅程。 THESAURUSjourney especially British English an occasion when you travel from one place to another – used especially about travelling a long distance, or travelling somewhere regularly 【尤英】〔尤指长途或经常性的〕旅行,旅程The journey took us over three hours. 我们路上花了三个多小时。My journey to work normally takes around 30 minutes. 我上班路上通常要花30分钟左右。na four-hour train journeytrip a journey to visit a place 旅行,旅程,出行How about a trip to the seaside on Saturday? 星期六去海边玩怎么样?a business trip 商务旅行tour a journey for pleasure, during which you visit several different towns, areas etc 旅游,游览,观光Last summer we went on a tour of Europe. 去年夏天我们去欧洲旅游了。excursion a short journey by a group of people to visit a place, especially while they are on holiday 〔尤指节假日时集体的〕短途旅行,远足The cost of the holiday includes excursions to nearby places of interest. 度假费用包括去附近旅游点的短程旅行。expedition a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or unfamiliar place 〔尤指到危险或陌生地方的〕远征,探险,考察Scott’s expedition to the Antarctic 斯科特的南极探险a military expedition 出兵远征commute the journey to and from work that someone does every day 上下班路程People are fed up with the daily commute on overcrowded trains. 人们厌倦了每天挤火车上下班。pilgrimage /ˈpɪlɡrəmɪdʒ/ a journey to a holy place for religious reasons 朝圣之旅the annual pilgrimage to Mecca 一年一度的麦加朝圣trek a long journey, for example over mountains or through forests, especially one that people do on foot for pleasure 〔尤指以徒步为乐的〕长途旅行;徒步旅行a two-week trek across the Atlas Mountains 穿越阿特拉斯山脉的徒步旅行travel noun [uncountable] the general activity of moving from one place to another 旅行;出行Her new job involves a lot of travel. 她的新工作需要经常出差。somebody’s travels noun [plural] someone’s journeys to or in places that are far away 某人的远途旅行I’m longing to hear all about your travels in China. 我渴望着听你讲讲你的中国之行。by plane/boat/car/bicycle etc 乘飞机/船/汽车/自行车等flight a journey by air 〔乘飞机的〕航程,航行You should check in at the airport two hours before your flight. 你应在起飞前两小时去机场办理登机手续。voyage /ˈvɔɪ-ɪdʒ/ a long journey over the sea 〔海上的〕航行,航程MacArthur’s epic round-the-world voyage 麦克阿瑟艰苦卓绝的环球航行crossing a short journey by boat from one piece of land to another 〔乘船的〕横渡,穿越A 30-minute ferry crossing takes you to the island. 乘渡船30分钟可到岛上。cruise a journey by boat for pleasure 乘船游览a Mediterranean cruise 地中海游轮之旅a cruise down the Nile 尼罗河游轮之旅drive a journey in a car, often for pleasure 〔常为寻找乐趣的〕驱车旅行,驾车兜风The drive through the mountains was absolutely beautiful. 驱车穿越群山,感觉美极了。ride a short journey in a car, or on a bicycle or horse 〔乘汽车、骑自行车或骑马的〕短途旅程It’s a twenty-minute taxi ride to the station. 乘出租车去车站要20分钟。a bike ride 骑自行车出行Examples from the Corpusjourney• Walking through historic New Almaden is a journey into the past.• We had an awful journey - there was heavy snow and the car broke down• They arrived in Nice after an eight-hour journey by car.• His hurried journey allows us to estimate a more usual journey as taking about six to eight weeks.• These birds make an incredible 10,000-kilometre journey to Africa every winter.• It is a garden of flowers of his long journey.• Even a railway journey with a missed connection can have its moments.• Sadie returns to Seattle from a dissolute road journey.• an alcoholic's journey to recovery• This reduces the wastage due to damage in the journey from greenhouse to supermarket shelf.• The journey from useless geek to Michael took about six months.• The journey is strange and eventful.• The journey will take the President to Japan, China, and Australia.• Their journey to the tourney, as Cameron Dollar calls it, is finally over.• It was a long train journey to St Petersburg.on the journey• Ignore what it feels like, concentrate on the journey.• Crazy Horse finally agreed to go if Lee accompanied him on the journey.• Besides, she would not be alone - only on the journey there and back.• Somewhere on the journey would come a chance to make a grab.• This profit was offset by the $ 250 he had spent on the journey out and back.• He packed his hammers and notebook away in his bag again and started on the journey back to Fablan Fawr.• But nothing could have prepared Gould for the transformation he witnessed on the journey back to Yarrundi from Maitland.journey2 verb [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]  literaryTRAVEL to travel 旅行 They left the town and journeyed south. 他们离开小镇,去南方旅行。► see thesaurus at travel→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusjourney• These promise to be of such importance that I shall briefly relate them here, before journeying north.• In order to journey to Mars or beyond, you needed a crew.• For the first time ever, in a giant film format, you can journey to the Earth's last great wilderness.• I journey to the library; draft notes for my defense; root pointlessly in the garden.Origin journey1 (1100-1200) Old French journee “day's journey”, from jour “day”, from Latin diurnus; → JOURNALjour·ney1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1journey2 verbLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  from place Corpus occasion travel when you an one




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