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单词 jigsaw
释义  Related topics: Games, Toolsldoce_175_cjig·saw /ˈdʒɪɡsɔː $ -sɒː/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. (also jigsaw puzzle)DG a picture cut up into many pieces that you try to fit together 拼图玩具 →5  See picture of JIGSAW 拼图玩具 →4  See picture of 见图 jigsaw2  [usually singular] a very complicated situation, especially one that you are trying to understand 复杂的情况;〔尤指〕谜团 As he explained, another piece of the jigsaw fell into place. 经他解释,这个谜团又有一部分被解开了。3. TZa tool for cutting out shapes in thin pieces of wood 线锯,钢丝锯,镂花锯 →5 see picture at 见图 tool1Examples from the Corpusjigsaw• For example, consider the pieces of a jigsaw in a box.• Instead, the candidates have to put together a jigsaw puzzle of states, bagging their votes in the electoral college.• The giant jigsaw is good value.• They would then take it in turns to piece together each others jigsaw, guaranteed to keep them happy for years.piece of the jigsaw• Half of last night, I thought about you, but a piece of the jigsaw was missing.• Another piece of the jigsaw had just fallen into place.• He needed more, several important pieces of the jigsaw puzzle before trying to establish direct contact.• The last pieces of the jigsaw were beginning to fit into place.• Even worse, while she had more pieces of the jigsaw, still she could find no pattern in them.• There is one more piece of the jigsaw to be inserted.• But parental feelings are only one piece of the jigsaw.• Suppose the pieces of the jigsaw start off in a box in the ordered arrangement in which they form a picture.jig·saw nounChineseSyllable   cut picture a pieces Corpus many into up




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