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单词 jigger
释义  Related topics: Drinkjig·ger /ˈdʒɪɡə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  DFDa unit for measuring alcohol, equal to one and a half ounces, or the small glass this is measured with 量酒单位〔相当于 1.5 盎司〕;〔容量为 1.5 盎司,用于量酒的〕小量杯Examples from the Corpusjigger• Vi McKeown knew every back street and jigger north of the Liver Building, and she would get there.• Mr Braithwaite drained off his lime squash and added a couple of jiggers of rum to his empty glass.• We better add two more strands to the jigger.jig·ger nounChineseSyllable  and measuring for equal to one unit a Corpus a alcohol,




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