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单词 -ish
释义  Related topics: Nationality & race-ish /ɪʃ/ suffix  1  [in nouns]SAN the people or language of a particular country or place 〔某国或某地的〕人;语言 Are the British unfriendly? 英国人不友善吗? learning to speak Turkish 学说土耳其语 She’s Swedish. 她是瑞典人。2  [in adjectives]SAN of a particular place 某地方的 Spanish food (=from Spain) 西班牙食品3  [in adjectives]TYPICAL typical of or like a particular type of person 属于[类似]某类人的 foolish behaviour (=typical of a fool) 愚蠢的行为 Don’t be so childish! (=do not behave like a child) 别这么孩子气! snobbish 势利的4  [in adjectives]DISAPPROVE the ending of some adjectives that show disapproval 〔作为一些形容词的后缀表示贬义〕 selfish 自私的5  [in adjectives]SMALL rather 有点,颇 SYN quite youngish (=not very young, but not old either) 还算年轻的 tallish 略高的 reddish hair 淡红色的头发6  [in adjectives] spokenAPPROXIMATELY approximately 大约,大致 We’ll expect you around eightish (=at about eight o'clock). 我们希望你8点左右来。 He’s fortyish (=about 40 years old). 他40岁左右。Examples from the Corpus-ish• childish• foolish behavior• Jewish traditions• the Amish people• the BritishOrigin -ish Old English -isc-ish suffixChinese   Corpus a or particular people of language the




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