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单词 irreligious
释义 Word family  noun religion religiosity adjective religious ≠ irreligious adverb religiously  Related topics: Religionir·re·li·gious /ˌɪrɪˈlɪdʒəs◂/ adjective formal  RRopposed to religion, or not having any religious feeling 反宗教的;无宗教信仰的Examples from the Corpusirreligious• He was, in fact, not irreligious.• It comes with equal challenge to the religious as to the irreligious.• The weak are bullied by the strong, the little by the big, the pious by the irreligious.• This is not to say that Richard was irreligious.• To be a layman, even to be anticlerical, is not necessarily to be irreligious.• To do nothing on behalf of the socially deprived is to him basically·re·li·gious adjectiveChineseSyllable  religion, Corpus feeling to having opposed or religious not any




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