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单词 intolerable
释义  in·tol·e·ra·ble /ɪnˈtɒlərəbəl $ -ˈtɑː-/ ●○○ adjective  TOO/TOO MUCHtoo difficult, bad, annoying etc for you to accept or deal with 无法忍受的,不能容忍的 OPP tolerable ‘This is intolerable!’ exclaimed Sir Rufus. “这真令人难以忍受!”鲁弗斯爵士喊道。 The pain had become intolerable. 痛得不能忍受。intolerable burden/strain/pressure Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden. 照看年迈的亲戚可能成为无法承受的重负。 —intolerably adverbExamples from the Corpusintolerable• Living conditions at the camp were intolerable.• Passengers faced intolerable delays and disruption due to the bad weather conditions.• All the media attention during the trial had put the family under intolerable strain.intolerable burden/strain/pressure• And one night, I knew that he found himself an intolerable burden, and that in the woods he lost himself.• To accept them all would place an intolerable strain on her health, but she rarely fails to help a charity.• They have created an intolerable burden on people on low incomes.• It would put intolerable pressure on the limited number of parliamentary lavatories.• Small debts could rapidly mount up and begin to exert intolerable pressure on the relationship between husband and wife. 1.• Suddenly they gave under the intolerable strain, ripped free from their mountings and crashed to the ground.• Were people put under intolerable pressure to deliver?• The fund's other trustees had left and he was under an intolerable strain, working more than 12 hours a·tol·e·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  for to difficult, Corpus annoying bad, too etc you




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