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单词 intergalactic
释义  Related topics: Astronomyin·ter·ga·lac·tic /ˌɪntəɡəˈlæktɪk◂ $ -tər-/ adjective  HAbetween the large groups of stars in space 星系之间的Examples from the Corpusintergalactic• Want a hand working through your inner alien, or simply hope to get an accurate count of those intergalactic frequent-flier miles?• The Flandrau Science Center goes back and forth with a pair of presentations exploring both the Jurassic past and the intergalactic future.• Captain Kirk will end his boldly going where no man has gone before by becoming an intergalactic monk.• Alternatively the capsule might be drifting in the weak gravitational field of intergalactic space.• However, there's a snag in this intergalactic transportation scheme.• intergalactic travelin·ter·ga·lac·tic adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus in stars large between of the groups




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