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单词 inseparable
释义 Word family  noun separation separates separatist separatism separator inseperability adjective separable ≠ inseparable separate separated verb separate adverb inseparably separately  in·sep·a·ra·ble /ɪnˈsepərəbəl/ adjective  1  FRIENDpeople who are inseparable are always together and are very friendly with each other 〔人〕常在一起的,亲密无间的 Jane and Sarah soon became inseparable companions. 简与萨拉很快就形影不离了。inseparable from Tom was inseparable from his dog Snowy. 汤姆和他的狗“雪儿”形影不离。2  CONNECTED WITHthings that are inseparable cannot be separated or cannot be considered separately 〔东西〕分不开的;不可分离的inseparable from Britain’s economic fortunes are inseparable from the world situation. 英国的经济命运和世界局势密不可分。 —inseparably adverb —inseparability /ɪnˌsepərəˈbɪləti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusinseparable• Ever since they met those two have been inseparable.• The three girls were inseparable friends.• Work and ongoing education are becoming inseparable in our society.• My brother and James have been inseparable since they were at primary school.inseparable from• Kelly considers equality to be inseparable from true·sep·a·ra·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  who always inseparable together are are are and Corpus people




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