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单词 inpatient
释义  Related topics: Hospitalin·pa·tient /ˈɪnˌpeɪʃənt/ noun [countable]  MHsomeone who stays in a hospital while they receive treatment 住院病人 → outpatientExamples from the Corpusinpatient• The six pilot sites are concentrating on the use of Diagnosis Related Groups which cover only adult acute inpatients.• In both of these studies the control group, hospital inpatients and community controls, had unusually high smoking rates.• Maberly and I reported results in inpatients with asthma and are doing an outpatient double blind randomised trial of neutralisation.• The companies began limiting inpatient stays, putting more emphasis on outpatient services.• The number of inpatients treated from other districts is more than 50 percent in one district in ten.• Many are sited in hospital grounds near the inpatient·pa·tient nounChineseSyllable  receive while someone hospital they a who in treatment Corpus stays




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