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单词 innocent
释义 Word family  noun innocence innocent adjective innocent adverb innocently  Related topics: Lawin·no·cent1 /ˈɪnəsənt/ ●●○ W3 adjective  1  SCCSCLnot guilty of a crime 清白的,无罪的 OPP guilty Nobody would believe that I was innocent. 没人肯相信我是清白的。innocent of He’s innocent of murder. 他没犯杀人罪。 The court found him innocent and he was released. 法庭判他无罪,他被释放了。2  innocent victims/bystanders/people etc SUFFERpeople who get hurt or killed in a war or crime although they are not directly involved in it 〔战争或犯罪行为中〕无辜的受害者/旁观者/人们等 Many innocent civilians are among the casualties. 伤亡者当中有很多是无辜的平民。3  HARM/BE BAD FORdone or said without intending to harm or offend anyone 不带恶意的 He was startled by their angry reaction to his innocent remark. 他们对他那毫无恶意的话如此愤怒,使他大为惊讶。4  EXPERIENCEDnot having much experience of the bad things in the world, so that you are easily deceived 天真无邪的,阅世不深的 SYN naive I was thirteen years old and very innocent. 我那时13岁,非常单纯无知。 —innocently adverbExamples from the Corpusinnocent• Dickinson sailed down in slow, sweeping curves, feeling strangely innocent.• Perhaps it was by pure chance that the other woman had been there, and Matthew was entirely innocent.• Nobody believes that she's innocent.• And could they be innocent?• Police Officer Jack Wronski said two of the victims were known gang members; the other was an innocent bystander.• "I didn't kill him - I'm innocent!" Davies shouted.• Don't get her mixed up in your plan - she's just an innocent girl.• Bates allowed an innocent man to go to jail for his crime.• I'm sorry. It was just an innocent mistake.• Jett maintains that he is completely innocent of the charges against him.• Masterfully, in that moment, Pennington shades Peter's love innocent rather than tawdry.• He's so innocent that anyone can take advantage of him.• Observations of the most innocent type.• Under criminal law people are presumed innocent until proved guilty.• Harry Belafonte was Joe, an innocent young soldier.found ... innocent• He then announced that the courts had found me innocent and therefore I would shortly be released.• Some of these unfortunate prisoners were later found innocent at the Forest Eyre.• Once again he was found to be innocent, but he was still kept under arrest.• Dave Bassett has been found innocent of allegations of obscene behaviour at Chelsea last month.• Male speaker Mr Barker found himself an innocent victim and he was questioned and released.innocent2 noun [countable]  EXPERIENCEDsomeone who does not have much experience of the bad things in life 涉世不深的人Examples from the Corpusinnocent• She is a girl of about 12, and she faces the camera with the calm composure of an innocent.• He's such an innocent; anyone can take advantage of him.• Both John and Donner, in different ways, are innocents, Donner surprisingly and dangerously so.• These guys are holy innocents, in love with their worlds and their words.• Moral patients are, for the most part, innocents.• Unfortunately the innocents get hurt, never the criminals behind the scenes.Origin innocent1 (1300-1400) French Latin, from nocens “evil”, present participle of nocere “to harm”in·no·cent1 adjectiveinnocent2 nounChineseSyllable  of guilty not a crime Corpus




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