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单词 in house
释义  Related topics: Companiesˌin-ˈhouse adjective, adverb  BBCIN/INSIDEworking within a company or organization 公司[组织]内部的;在机构内部 We have an in-house training unit. 我们有一个内部培训部。 The keyboarding is done in-house. 资料输入是在公司内部完成的。nin housenBECif you work in house, you work at the offices of a company or organization, not at home → in-house → houseExamples from the Corpusin-house• All of our product design is done in-house.• All our artwork is done by in-house designers; we don't normally use freelance people.• Many companies run in-house management courses for their staff.• an in-house training programFrom Longman Business Dictionaryin-housein-ˈhouse adverbHUMAN RESOURCES if a job is done in-house, it is done within an organization, especially by the organization’s own staffMost of its advertising continues to be handled in-house.Government agencies discover they can pay less by contracting out jobs instead of doing them in-house. —in-house adjectiveMany businesses are introducing in-house training.the top in-house lawyer of General Electric Coˌin-ˈhouse adjectivein houseLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  or a working Corpus company Business organization within




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